[Mudlet] Quick Question

Ok, this -used- to work but no longer does.

if target_calling == true and not svo.inslowcuringmode() and not ndb.istargossian(matches[2]) and radiance == off then

send("pt " .. matches[2] .. " entered " .. gmcp.Room.Info.area)


It's still announcing Targossian citizens, and still announces even when I have my target_calling toggle turned off. Has anything changed in svof? Or does anyone know why it no longer works?

Give us -real- shop logs! Not another misinterpretation of features we ask for, turned into something that either doesn't help at all, or doesn't remotely resemble what we wanted to begin with.


Current position of some of the playerbase, instead of expressing a desire to fix problems:

Vhaynna: "Honest question - if you don't like Achaea or the current admin, why do you even bother playing?"


  • radiance == "off" 

    Would probably fix it. Depending on how you are changing the contents of that variable. At the moment, it is currently comparing the variable radiance contents to the variable off contents. 
  • Ok, I got the above fixed to this:

    ^(\w+) has entered the area\.$

    if target_calling == true and not svo.inslowcuringmode() and not ndb.istargossian(matches[2]) and radiance == off then

    send("pt " .. matches[2] .. " entered " .. gmcp.Room.Info.area)


    How would I change that to announce groups on single lines (grouped), instead of individually spamming my party out when large enemy groups enter the area?

    Give us -real- shop logs! Not another misinterpretation of features we ask for, turned into something that either doesn't help at all, or doesn't remotely resemble what we wanted to begin with.


    Current position of some of the playerbase, instead of expressing a desire to fix problems:

    Vhaynna: "Honest question - if you don't like Achaea or the current admin, why do you even bother playing?"

  • ZahanZahan Valhalla
    I'd build the names into a table (or variable), then use something after the enter messages to call that table, such as a prompt trigger that gets activated on the first entry.

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  • Yeah, I don't know how to do that. If someone else does, I'd be willing to shoot a few credits your way for sharing.
    Give us -real- shop logs! Not another misinterpretation of features we ask for, turned into something that either doesn't help at all, or doesn't remotely resemble what we wanted to begin with.


    Current position of some of the playerbase, instead of expressing a desire to fix problems:

    Vhaynna: "Honest question - if you don't like Achaea or the current admin, why do you even bother playing?"

  • Pretty basic, but should do the trick.

    -- Trigger:
    Pattern (perl regex): ^(\w+) has entered the area\.$
    mindnetPeople = mindnetPeople or {}
    table.insert(mindnetPeople, matches[2])
    enableTrigger("Mindnet Prompt")
    -- Trigger (be careful about the case being exact on the name)
    Name: Mindnet Prompt
    Pattern (Lua function): return isPrompt()
    disableTrigger("Mindnet Prompt")
    send("PT " .. table.concat(mindnetPeople, ", ") .. " entered " .. gmcp.Room.Info.area)
    mindnetPeople = {}
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