if you guys wouldnt mind helping me out.

I have never been a expert combatant. Last year about this time i spent weeks learning serpent and defence against many classes. After a couple months i got decent and i beat a few good combatants a few times. It felt good overall. 

the situation is simple. I got hurt. I am no longer as fast smart coordinated or as dexterous as i once was. 

my previous offence is all alias for most everything with maybe a few macros for snapping and certain dstabs i didnt want to mess up. typically it looks like this. "ddcv,ddcn,ddck," simple aliases for curare/vernalisus, curare/xentio, curare/kalmia, nothing to hard there. i know how to type them and when i should use them in combat. i understand what cures what and how to stack kelp and ginseng and all the good stuff there. 

my problem right now is that i have tremors in my hands and my fingers are numb so i cant feel the keys all that well. i solved the feeling by using a mechanical keyboard so i can hear when i press keys instead of feel.
the tremors though are really messing me up. my aliases turn into ddcvd or dddcv. i cant do anything about that. so i tried macros. problem there is i dont have all my dstabs. i cant do anything if you dont cure paralysis. if you dont i cant stack if i use macros. i had someone code up a system to handle my offence for me and i just had to read and manage defense. i thought that would work well cause it took a lot of the stress of me and missing my aliases.  but apparently the thing can only do the most basic of kelp locks. if i want to do anything more complicated like stack in for a ginseng stack and abuse darkshade into a lock. sorry no can do. if i want to do a focus lock and use scytherus to relapse venoms or camus....nope cant handle it. apparently i am smarter than a script....who knew. 

so my question is what do you guys think i could do. any advice and help would be so amazing. is there anyone out there with a disablilty like mine who manages good enough? can anyone help me get up and going so i can fight again. im really tired of backstabs being my only skill. also so is @Xaden

thanks in advance guys. 
Cooper said:
This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!


  • What about some kind of keybindings to replace aliases? Like the numpad with shift/alt/ctrl modifiers for different combos. Might take a minute to remember where everything is at, but that would solve for misspellings and allow you to combo easier.
  • @Puxi nailed my first thought. Keybindings is probably the way to go. 1-9 on the numpad, with modifiers. Easy enough to hit, harder to remember what does what.
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • How many aliases do you have?

    I run most of my offense off of macros on my keypad.  0-9 and ./*-+ make for 15 buttons. With alt, ctrl, and alt+ctrl that's 45 keybindings right on the keypad. Then you have all the F-keys, or alt-letter combos, etc, etc.

    You can make an awful lot of keybindings, is what I am saying.
  • Having a macro per venom combination requires a lot of keybindings. However, there's a system for Tekura floating around that allows combos to be built on the fly using macros, with another macro to actually send the attack command once you're done. You could do something similar with venoms instead. Might look something like this:

    F1 = curare

    F2 = kalmia

    F3 = xentio

    F4 = vernalius

    F5 = darkshade

    F6 = vardrax

    F7 = euphorbia

    F8 = gecko

    F9 = slike

    F12 = dstab

    Then F1, F2, F12 would do curare/kalmia. F2, F3, F12 would do kalmia/xentio.

    Pros: Complete flexibility of what venoms you use. Don't have to remember a macro per combination, only one macro per venom.

    Cons: Requires three macro presses per balance rather than just one. I don't know how much of an issue this would be for you.

  • shift for some reason wont bind anything. i use the key pad to handle movement sniping evading dashing lightwalls icewalls and well i think thats about it. cntrl is to snipe in the direction i do the keypad. ctrl alt switches my parries with the numbad. as a serpent i have an alias for every combo of venoms you can imagine and one for bites to. so ddcp curare/prefara while ddkk kalmia/kalmia. i did it this way as jarrel and cresil said i should and it gives me access to an combinations of venoms imaginable. 
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • Antonius said:

    Having a macro per venom combination requires a lot of keybindings. However, there's a system for Tekura floating around that allows combos to be built on the fly using macros, with another macro to actually send the attack command once you're done. You could do something similar with venoms instead. Might look something like this:

    F1 = curare

    F2 = kalmia

    F3 = xentio

    F4 = vernalius

    F5 = darkshade

    F6 = vardrax

    F7 = euphorbia

    F8 = gecko

    F9 = slike

    F12 = dstab

    Then F1, F2, F12 would do curare/kalmia. F2, F3, F12 would do kalmia/xentio.

    Pros: Complete flexibility of what venoms you use. Don't have to remember a macro per combination, only one macro per venom.

    Cons: Requires three macro presses per balance rather than just one. I don't know how much of an issue this would be for you.

    i am not sure either but i think its better than not fighting at all. i will higher someone to code it up for me. dont hesitate to give more ideas though guys. i really really appreciate it. 
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • Another thing you can do is learn how the code works. Spend time digging through it and trying to replicate it for other strats such as stacking ginseng for darkshade, using hypochondria, or stacking goldenseal to stick impatience.

    Once you've taught yourself how to do it, you can make toggles. For instance, I toggle what affliction stack I want to use (things like ignoring nausea against an enemy with static parry, ignoring vernalius against no fitness classes, adding broken arms for priests, etc). After setting my toggle, I can use the same aliases or macros every time, but they'll do different things.

    I promise promise promise that it's not as hard as it seems. If a code-savvy person looks at all my nested if/thens, they'd probanly vomit. BUT, it gets the job done and is easy to adjust (because I wrote it and know how it works).

    Knowing how to do it will also make you better defensively, as you can set toggles to ignore specific afflictions so you can cure more important things at certain times (especially against limb classes that will try to bury important breaks).

    Never be afraid to ask for help with this, either. As much as people like to bitch about "automation," it doesn't matter. Everyone has their own style, and a code heavy offense is just as valid as totally manual one.
  • Driden said:
    i will higher someone to code it up for me.

    dstabber = dstabber or {}
    dstabber.left = nil
    dstabber.right = nil
    dstabber.clear = function()
    	dstabber.left = nil
    	dstabber.right = nil
    dstabber.venom = function(venom)
    	-- if we've already set both venoms, and now we set something else, we want to clear and start from the beginning
    	if dstabber.right then dstabber.clear() end
    	if dstabber.left then
    		dstabber.right = venom
    		dstabber.left = venom
    dstabber.queue = function()
    	if not dstabber.left or not dstabber.right then
    		cecho("\nNeed to set two venoms.")
    	send("queue add eqbal dstab " .. target .. " " .. dstabber.left .. " " .. dstabber.right, false)
    Then just decide what you want your key combinations to be and call the right function. So if you want F1 to be curare, you'd make a keybinding for F1 and have the code be: dstabber.venom("curare"). For your queue keybinding (whatever you decide that is), make the code: dstabber.queue().
  • edited November 2016
    Another thing you can do is learn how the code works. Spend time digging through it and trying to replicate it for other strats such as stacking ginseng for darkshade, using hypochondria, or stacking goldenseal to stick impatience.

    Once you've taught yourself how to do it, you can make toggles. For instance, I toggle what affliction stack I want to use (things like ignoring nausea against an enemy with static parry, ignoring vernalius against no fitness classes, adding broken arms for priests, etc). After setting my toggle, I can use the same aliases or macros every time, but they'll do different things.

    I promise promise promise that it's not as hard as it seems. If a code-savvy person looks at all my nested if/thens, they'd probanly vomit. BUT, it gets the job done and is easy to adjust (because I wrote it and know how it works).

    Knowing how to do it will also make you better defensively, as you can set toggles to ignore specific afflictions so you can cure more important things at certain times (especially against limb classes that will try to bury important breaks).

    Never be afraid to ask for help with this, either. As much as people like to bitch about "automation," it doesn't matter. Everyone has their own style, and a code heavy offense is just as valid as totally manual one.
    i get what your saying here but i tried to go for the code heavy offence and atleast as a serpent its not possible it seems. take the average focus stack i wanna do. i stick ashtma and weariness maybe clumsiness if i want. the i dstab curare/gecko right at this point an easy decision is made. if they attack me after they eat i know they still have slickness. if they smoke i know that asthma is gone and if they dont attack after the eat i know that slickness is not there. what i do next is completly up to how my opponent reacts. there are lots of moments like this in serpent combat and a script would never in my opinion be able to hand the uncertainty. i just tried it. spent the last week with a really good coder 12 hours a day and we came up with. well the system cant handle it.  

    --edit im stupid
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • I've always hated macros. Personally, I'd cut your aliases down to the bare necessity and go from there.  Instead of ddcv, try just cv. Make macros for the super common stabs and manual the rest(type in between holding down your f1 macro [curate/kalmia]).  I use dcv format for my stabs.   Obviously the chance of an achaean command matching a specific venom combo is more likely without the dd before it, but you can address those issues as they arise. 
  • Antonius said:
    Driden said:
    i will higher someone to code it up for me.

    dstabber = dstabber or {}
    dstabber.left = nil
    dstabber.right = nil
    dstabber.clear = function()
    	dstabber.left = nil
    	dstabber.right = nil
    dstabber.venom = function(venom)
    	-- if we've already set both venoms, and now we set something else, we want to clear and start from the beginning
    	if dstabber.right then dstabber.clear() end
    	if dstabber.left then
    		dstabber.right = venom
    		dstabber.left = venom
    dstabber.queue = function()
    	if not dstabber.left or not dstabber.right then
    		cecho("\nNeed to set two venoms.")
    	send("queue add eqbal dstab " .. target .. " " .. dstabber.left .. " " .. dstabber.right, false)
    Then just decide what you want your key combinations to be and call the right function. So if you want F1 to be curare, you'd make a keybinding for F1 and have the code be: dstabber.venom("curare"). For your queue keybinding (whatever you decide that is), make the code: dstabber.queue().
    thank you so much antonius. i almost forgive you for kicking me off clouds yesterday! but seriously i will try it out thanks so so much i think this can work. i just have to add in to flay if rebounding or shield come up. thanks again. 
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • Austere said:
    I've always hated macros. Personally, I'd cut your aliases down to the bare necessity and go from there.  Instead of ddcv, try just cv. Make macros for the super common stabs and manual the rest(type in between holding down your f1 macro [curate/kalmia]).  I use dcv format for my stabs.   Obviously the chance of an achaean command matching a specific venom combo is more likely without the dd before it, but you can address those issues as they arise. 
    my problem will in this case be my fingers which will often double tap a key and i cant feel them. but i will try this out and get back to you about how it worked. but i dont think it will solve the problem forcing me from my beloved aliases. thanks though its not a bad idea to try. 
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • Something could probably be added so you can't double tap a key and do something like double curare, etc.

    I'd also add something where if only one venom is added it defaults to the second being curare.

  • edited November 2016
    I personally did mine a bit like your original setup, except I never had to do more than three letters.
    What I used:

    Alias: ^d([a-z])([a-z]?)$

    if gmcp.Char.Status.class == "Serpent" then

    local venom = {

    a = "Aconite",

    b = "Digitalis",

    c = "Curare",

    d = "Delphinium",

    e = "Eurypteria",

    g = "Gecko",

    h = "Selarnia",

    i = "Epseth",

    k = "Kalmia",

    l = "Larkspur",

    m = "Monkshood",

    n = "Selarnia",

    o = "Voyria",

    p = "Prefarar",

    r = "Darkshade",

    s = "Slike",

    u = "Euphorbia",

    v = "Vernalius",

    x = "Xentio",

    z = "Vardrax",


    ven1 = venom[matches[2]]

    ven2 = venom[matches[3]]

    if (tarShield or tarReb) then

    send("cq all;clearalias x1;setalias x1 stand/wield shield dirk/flay &tar " ..flay.. ";queue add eqbal x1")


    send("cq all;clearalias x1;setalias x1 stand/wield shield dirk/dstab &tar " ..ven1.. " " ..ven2.. ";queue add eqbal x1")


    Then I had an alias to swap flay on the fly.

    As far as making keybindings and all that, looks like you've already got a solid start on how to manage that!

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Atalkez said:
    I personally did mine a bit like your original setup, except I never had to do more than three letters.
    What I used:

    Alias: ^d([a-z])([a-z]?)$

    if gmcp.Char.Status.class == "Serpent" then

    local venom = {

    a = "Aconite",

    b = "Digitalis",

    c = "Curare",

    d = "Delphinium",

    e = "Eurypteria",

    g = "Gecko",

    h = "Selarnia",

    i = "Epseth",

    k = "Kalmia",

    l = "Larkspur",

    m = "Monkshood",

    n = "Selarnia",

    o = "Voyria",

    p = "Prefarar",

    r = "Darkshade",

    s = "Slike",

    u = "Euphorbia",

    v = "Vernalius",

    x = "Xentio",

    z = "Vardrax",


    ven1 = venom[matches[2]]

    ven2 = venom[matches[3]]

    if (tarShield or tarReb) then

    send("cq all;clearalias x1;setalias x1 stand/wield shield dirk/flay &tar " ..flay.. ";queue add eqbal x1")


    send("cq all;clearalias x1;setalias x1 stand/wield shield dirk/dstab &tar " ..ven1.. " " ..ven2.. ";queue add eqbal x1")


    Then I had an alias to swap flay on the fly.

    As far as making keybindings and all that, looks like you've already got a solid start on how to manage that!

    Yeah man sept if I did that they would often turn into dcvvfv
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • Cooper said:
    Something could probably be added so you can't double tap a key and do something like double curare, etc.

    I'd also add something where if only one venom is added it defaults to the second being curare.
    That's genius thanks. 
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • I knew a guy who had a gaming mouse for his offense. He just bound the buttons on there, along with those 'extra' keys on a gaming keyboard. Not sure how financially viable that is, but it might help too since you'd be moving a single time per attack rather than having 2-5 keys to press in a certain order?

    I also heard rumors someone pk'd using a USB piano, but that's pretty non-conventional as well.
  • edited November 2016
    I'd suggest using simpler traditional keybinds with F1 -> F8 (venom stuff), F9 (flay stuff), F10 (hypno imp), F11 (hypno hypoc), F12 (snap), ~ = touch tentacle.

    Example venom combos = [ F1 = cur/kal, F2 = cur/xen, F3 = kal/xen, F4 = kal/wea ] [ F5 = cur/dark, F6 = eup/var, ] [ F7 = cur/gec F8 = gec/sli ] 

    This way, you could memorize via memory, different sequences depending on how your opponent cures and have way less stuff to press and remember. You'd adjust what you press depending on what they prioritize.

    For example, if you know they prioritize imp/shield > para on snap then you'd memorize a sequence of presses that does darkshade into hypoc next to a lightwall instead of a quicker straightforward kelp stack into imp snap/gecko/slike sequence etc. If you like to gamble and know that someone darkshade fishes only at later points in the timer, you'd keep pressing F6 near the end, hope the snake prones them and consider using lethargy hypno instead of imp lock initially etc.

    I think F10 F5 F5 F5 F4 F1 F12 F8 would be something you could repeat against most people that tree at the start next to a lightwall, didn't think it through though. I know certain serps used to rinse/repeat only 1 or 2 sequences til they got good rng.

    [ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]

    [ Runewarden Sparring Videos | Link ]
  • I use aliases. Only thing I've ever used keybinds for is toggles and turning shit on/off. Outside of aliases...functions.

  • Yeah but the idea is to get this dude to press as little stuff as possible ( next to going auto :trollface: )

    [ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]

    [ Runewarden Sparring Videos | Link ]
  • Thanks again for all the ideas guys I'm trying everything I can. 
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • @Driden join the dauntless so I can test your new offence. :D
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    edited November 2016
    Khel said:

    I also heard rumors someone pk'd using a USB piano, but that's pretty non-conventional as well.
    Midi keyboard. It was Iocun.

    Unless someone new has popped up, but I haven't heard anything.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • I wanna help too, though very late to the party.

  • edited November 2016
    @Driden : My $0.02 - If you can't feel the keys and often double tap, you're likely to mistype any sort of alias, which results in you scrambling for the backspace key with your shakey hand. Plus aliases require you to press enter too.

    Simple keybinds that queue pre-set envenom <x, y> + doublestab means you only have to perform one action versus multiple to accomplish the same thing. You don't get to switch the order of the venoms (like cur/kal kal/cur) though I doubt anyone that fights on a high level has the capacity to react accordingly anyways.

    [ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]

    [ Runewarden Sparring Videos | Link ]
  • edited November 2016
    @Driden : My $0.02 - If you can't feel the keys and often double tap, you're likely to mistype any sort of alias, which results in you scrambling for the backspace key with your shakey hand. Plus aliases require you to press enter too.

    Simple keybinds that queue pre-set envenom <x, y> + doublestab means you only have to perform one action versus multiple to accomplish the same thing. You don't get to switch the order of the venoms (like cur/kal kal/cur) though I doubt anyone that fights on a high level has the capacity to react accordingly anyways.
    Don't forget sometimes I don't even press the key when I think I did. Everyone fears automation but atleast as a serpent unless all you do is stack kelp and ginseng for locks you can't use it. My aliases aren't even remotely usable. Macros feel limited and I don't know man. Everyone has great ideas and I'm trying each one as best I can. I don't want to change to any other class. 
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • Driden said:
    i get what your saying here but i tried to go for the code heavy offence and atleast as a serpent its not possible it seems. take the average focus stack i wanna do. i stick ashtma and weariness maybe clumsiness if i want. the i dstab curare/gecko right at this point an easy decision is made. if they attack me after they eat i know they still have slickness. if they smoke i know that asthma is gone and if they dont attack after the eat i know that slickness is not there. what i do next is completly up to how my opponent reacts. there are lots of moments like this in serpent combat and a script would never in my opinion be able to hand the uncertainty. i just tried it. spent the last week with a really good coder 12 hours a day and we came up with. well the system cant handle it.  

    --edit im stupid
    A script can absolutely handle the complexity of this. This situation you've described is extremely easy to resolve. All you have to do is brute force it by triggering most all of the attacks in the game to remove paralysis from their list of supposed afflictions. Then you have checks like "They have curare and gecko and I have seen them eat bloodroot and they have not yet attacked me so they are still paralysed so this alias should use gecko instead of curare".
  • Nazihk said:
    Driden said:
    i get what your saying here but i tried to go for the code heavy offence and atleast as a serpent its not possible it seems. take the average focus stack i wanna do. i stick ashtma and weariness maybe clumsiness if i want. the i dstab curare/gecko right at this point an easy decision is made. if they attack me after they eat i know they still have slickness. if they smoke i know that asthma is gone and if they dont attack after the eat i know that slickness is not there. what i do next is completly up to how my opponent reacts. there are lots of moments like this in serpent combat and a script would never in my opinion be able to hand the uncertainty. i just tried it. spent the last week with a really good coder 12 hours a day and we came up with. well the system cant handle it.  

    --edit im stupid
    A script can absolutely handle the complexity of this. This situation you've described is extremely easy to resolve. All you have to do is brute force it by triggering most all of the attacks in the game to remove paralysis from their list of supposed afflictions. Then you have checks like "They have curare and gecko and I have seen them eat bloodroot and they have not yet attacked me so they are still paralysed so this alias should use gecko instead of curare".
    Yeah but my coder didn't want to get the lines and how long would that even take. 
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • What about gui buttons?  Three clicks. Two venoms and a send.  Can have selected venoms toggle a different color so you know it's set. 
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