How many people play this game?

Based on the activity on the forum, the number of all online player below can't be accurate can it?


  • Many people have Gems of Cloaking, which hides them from WHO lists and such (it won't hide CWHO, HWHO, OWHO, or RPWHO, though). Right now, the website WHO list shows 112 logged in, non-cloaked people (I think it also doesn't count people who are off-plane, but I honestly never paid that close attention to exactly what does and doesn't count).
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • edited November 2016
    Sarathai said:
    Many people have Gems of Cloaking, which hides them from WHO lists and such (it won't hide CWHO, HWHO, OWHO, or RPWHO, though). Right now, the website WHO list shows 112 logged in, non-cloaked people (I think it also doesn't count people who are off-plane, but I honestly never paid that close attention to exactly what does and doesn't count).
    Thanks for the swift reply, but I should've asked a different question. Do 'plenty' of people still play this game? That's what I wanted to deduce from the amount of online players.
  • Seems pretty slow right now... but it is almost 1230am Pacific.. .330 worst coast

    >Aelyn, Aeren, Ahmet, Alekxz, Anaria, Annwyl, Ariern, Armali, Ashu, Auri, Auriana, Autei, Bail, 
    Bhelgrun, Calaurn, Calira, Camroth, Cylar, Elesmera, Emilea, Erudite, Etalnar, Frederich, Gawi, 
    Greys, Grilni, Gullivester, Jayden, Jinsun, Jyson, Kaevan, Kresslack, Krypton, Lacy, Laniara, Llaia, 
    Lylith, Madi, Marv, Marxi, Naoma, Nazihk, Oblive, Orpryhess, Perl, Pyrex, Rane, Rhearn, Rino, 
    Salindera, Shirszae, Sholen, Svaya, Tahquil, Talamond, Taraus, Taszya, Thundarsa, Tysora, Vender, 
    Watchman, and Xepherelle.
    Plus another 21 (83 total) whose presence you cannot fully sense (88 total).

  • Generally I see 130s to 150s. High end is 180-200. Lowest I've seen it is in the high 70's/low 80's, but that is typically during late night/early morning in the USA.
  • Midday GMT runs at around 40-50 bodies. But that's pretty much the lowest I've ever seen it.
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • There's two ways to answer that question:

     - How many people are online, on average.
     - How many -different- people log on every day, on average.

    We kind of know the first one, only the admin know the second one.
  • ZahanZahan Valhalla
    I amuse myself by checking the end of RANKINGS XP sometimes.  Right now, that is at 1802.  

    It takes, what, a month to fall off that?  1800+ people [over level 30] logging in within the last 30 days?

    That ain't bad, actually.
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    Currently available: Abs, Cnote, Keepalive, Lootpet, Mapmod
  • iirc, shows everyone who is online regardless of gems. 
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Respects gems.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • 12 people

  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Also respects off-plane and commscreen, as well as chameleon.
    Huh. Neat.
  • We saw over 220 tonight.
  • edited November 2016
    Honestly, Achaea kind of looks set to suck up most of the remaining population of the other IRE games that is committed to still playing (and has absorbed a lot of people already) - although there is Starmourn coming in 2017, but if any of the existing IRE games can weather that, it's this one, because it has the sheer mass to do it.  If you're going to play one, this really is probably the one (or possibly Starmourn when it comes out).  It pains me to say that, because the other games do have something to offer too, but I do think it's the reality.
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