Can somebody help me figure out how to do this in nexus? I want to set up a trigger so that when a person says something, I react to them. Like, I'm hunting, (person) says in a/n blah, blah voice, "Heal," and I will evoke vigour (person). But I don't know the syntax for that and I don't know how to account for different voice styles.
I'm not concerned with making sure they're an ally or anything. I'll have it in a group of reflexes I only turn on for group hunting.
Since the nexus doc does a better job of explaining it than I would have done, I'll link you to it:
Might have to play around with different wildcards to get just the person's name in a variable, while keeping the a/n separated.
Currently available: Abs, Cnote, Keepalive, Lootpet, Mapmod
For example:
{w} is any single word
{*} is any length of text
$1 is to call these values