Hi Everyone,
Well only those that can help!
I want to convert Vadi's envenom script to a deadeyes script so I can use it on the fly, I have no real idea how to do it in Mudlet, played around for awhile but just cant get me head around it.
This is the script:
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
MudletPackage (View Source for full doctype...)>
- <MudletPackage version="
- <AliasGroup isActive="
- <Alias isActive="
<script>-- first sword for alias,name in pairs(venoms) do if (alias ==
matches[2]) then envenom(s1, name) end if (alias == matches[3]) then envenom(s2,
name) end end</script>
- <ScriptGroup isActive="
<script>------------------------------------------------- -- Put your Lua
functions here. -- -- -- -- Note that you can also use external Scripts --
- <Script isActive="
<script>s1 = "sword#####" s2 = "sword#####" -- venom mappings venoms = {}
venoms.a = "aconite" venoms.c = "curare" venoms.d = "delphinium" venoms.x =
"xentio" venoms.k = "kalmia" venoms.g = "gecko" venoms.i = "slike" venoms.t =
"epteth" -- arms venoms.s = "epseth" -- legs venoms.v = "vernalius" venoms.g =
"digitalis" venoms.m = "monkshood"</script>
- <Script isActive="
<script>function envenom (rapier, venom) if rapier == nil or venom == nil then
return end send ("envenom " .. rapier .. " with " .. venom) end</script>
What I want to be able to do is just go dps and it will
deadeyes ..target paralysis stupid
The mappings only need a couple in I can add the rest later and work it out, once I've installed the package.
Willing to shell out a few credits.
Any help would be great.
Mudlet Discord join up
deadeyes = {}
deadeyes.a = "anorexia"
deadeyes.b = "breach"
deadeyes.c = "confusion"
deadeyes.d = "sleep"
deadeyes.e = "epilepsy"
deadeyes.f = ""
deadeyes.g = "vomiting"
deadeyes.h = "vertigo"
deadeyes.i = "impatience"
deadeyes.j = "claustrophobia"
deadeyes.k = "asthma"
deadeyes.l = "manaleech"
deadeyes.m = "masochism"
deadeyes.n = "dementia"
deadeyes.o = "agoraphobia"
deadeyes.p = "paralyse"
deadeyes.q = "paranoia"
deadeyes.r = "reckless"
deadeyes.s = "stupid"
deadeyes.t = "sensitivity"
deadeyes.u = "peace"
deadeyes.v = "plague"
deadeyes.w = "weariness"
deadeyes.x = "clumsy"
deadeyes.y = "addiction"
deadeyes.z = "bleed"
You can adjust any of the letters to afflictions, its just that I can remember most things this way.
send("deadeyes "..target.." "..deadeyes[matches[2]:lower()].." "..deadeyes[matches[3]:lower()])
de1 = deadeyes[matches[2]]
de2 = deadeyes[matches[3]]
Things to note, you can change the first letter to what ever you want, ie: abcdefg blah blah, be careful in what you do change it to as it might clash with other scripts, for instance, I first used d by had a few issues for instance if I wanted to deadeye agoraphobia reckless as svo has dor.
Its easy to use as well just eac for deadeye anorexia confusion; ebc for deadeyes breach confusion, ekp for asthma paralyse.
okay I left the de1 and de2 because what that does is to allow you to send to a party if you afflict someone with it if you put it with the trigger pattern for a succesful deadeyes you could put something like
send("pt " ..target.. " deadeyes " ..de1.. " " ..de2)
I have a couple of things where I can press certain keys and it will store them in a script so I can execute things on the fly as well just using macros which I wont post at moment but for instance I have g1-g18 keys g4 = asthma g5= paralysis g6 = insomnia then g7 is blah, etc etc.
I have three modes which use these keys asthma, para, free.
If I press a key and its asthma mode then whatever key I press it uses deadeyes asthma ?? I then press f12 to execute the command which can be done either by spamming the hell out of f12 or I can make it just use do next balance.
Same with para, in the free mode I need to press two keys.
Its a pretty simple set up.
Thanks to @Vadi @Mosr and @Micaelis for helping me with either the idea, setup and help getting it right.
send("deadeyes "..target.." "..deadeyes[matches[2]:lower()].." "..deadeyes[matches[3]:lower()])
de1 = deadeyes[matches[2]]
de2 = deadeyes[matches[3]]
Then have another script that looks like this:
function contcheck()
if contemplating == 2 then
send("contemplate " ..target)
contemplating = tonumber(1)
elseif contemplating == 1 then contemplating = contemplating + 1
contemplating = tonumber(1)
function contcheck()
if contemplating == 3 then
send("contemplate " ..target)
contemplating = tonumber(0)
elseif contemplating >= 0 and contemplating <= 2 then
contemplating = contemplating + 1
contemplating = tonumber(1)
I believe these should work.
Thanks to Annile who just brought it up and I thought it was a good idea so I stole it.
Mudlet Discord join up
function contcheck()
contemplating = contemplating + 1
if contemplating == 3 then
send("contemplate " .. target)
contemplating = 0
And outside the function/with any reset, just set contemplating to 0.
Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.