Mudlet trigger problem

edited September 2016 in Client Help
So my line is: ^You pick up (\d+) gold sovereigns.$
It's set to perl regex.
It should send("put gold in pack")

The trigger is activated. The group is activated. And nothing happens :(

What am I doing wrong?

Using Mudlet 3.0.

Best Answer


  • That should work if you've set it up as described. Can you do a screenshot of your trigger window? Also, there's always the option of using GMCP instead of triggers for this sort of thing.
  • edited September 2016
    Okay - figured it out after I went to bed, but still...I don't know what's the main reason behind this atrocity.

    See, I copy pasted the ^ and & symbols and it worked. Putting them manually (shift + 6 and shift + 4) didn't yield any result - the symbols appear, but apparently it's as if they are not set.

    Wonder why's that. My keyboard output is ENG [English (United States) US keyboard] though I suspect I've used a different language without paying attention. Will experiment.
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