Some houses have implemented a points-based system for earning a promotion, requiring members past HR05 to get out there and do things that benefit the house and/or its reputation.
Keeping track of these points can be confusing. The scroll gets so long. The text scrolling past at a high rate of speed is annoying. Then there's the math, and the alphabetizing...oh wait, I actually like that last part, but I digress.
Why not a HOUSE REWARD system that would work similar to HOUSE CHARGE?
For example:
HOUSE REWARD <person> WITH <charge>
e.g. HOUSE REWARD Noshi WITH passing ship test
Show the rewards history of the member.
Show the list of current rewards for the org and optional person.
HOUSE REWARD <reward number> HISTORY
Show the history of only the specified reward.
HOUSE REWARD <reward id> POINT <amount>
Set a numerical point value or 'special'.
HOUSE REWARD <reward id> TERM <amount>
Minimum term of reward applicability in Achaean years or PERM[ANENT] before it can be repeated.
HOUSE REWARD <reward id> NOTES <text>
Any additional comments that are relevant to rewarding.
HOUSE REWARD <reward id> DATE <date of reward>
Not required, can be used to backdate a reward to a person.
HOUSE REWARD <reward id> DROP <reason>
Ability to drop a reward with a logged reason, i.e. leaving the house.
HOUSE REWARD DROPALL <person> <reason>
Ability to drop all rewards at once with a logged reason.
HOUSE REWARD MULTIPLE <person> <count> <reward>
Ability to lay multiples of the same reward for the same person at once.
Ability to search for rewards with a permanent and/or special value/term
or with a specific reward name.
Ability to list a summary total of the rewards for a specified person.
When the house member reached a certain rewards point value, then they would be eligible for promotion. The same type of system could be used for cities, orders, high clans, and so forth.
And logged using the Crimes/Charges system, like so:
Since the Shield doesn't keep House enemies, we just use the Crimes/Charges system to facilitate these records and it works fine, but if a House -did- want to keep records of actual enemies and their crimes, I think it's reasonable to want a similar database for tracking member progress/rewards of a non-favour nature. All Houses tend to have -some- paperwork to do, and this would remove the need for clans, ugly HHELPs, or the dreaded Yahoo groups to keep track of IC progression notes.