House Promotion Addendum Suggestion

Some houses have implemented a points-based system for earning a promotion, requiring members past HR05 to get out there and do things that benefit the house and/or its reputation.

Keeping track of these points can be confusing. The scroll gets so long. The text scrolling past at a high rate of speed is annoying. Then there's the math, and the alphabetizing...oh wait, I actually like that last part, but I digress.

Why not a HOUSE REWARD system that would work similar to HOUSE CHARGE?

For example:
HOUSE REWARD <person> WITH <charge>
    e.g. HOUSE REWARD Noshi WITH passing ship test
    Show the rewards history of the member.
    Show the list of current rewards for the org and optional person.
HOUSE REWARD <reward number> HISTORY
    Show the history of only the specified reward.
HOUSE REWARD <reward id> POINT <amount>
    Set a numerical point value or 'special'.
HOUSE REWARD <reward id> TERM <amount>
    Minimum term of reward applicability in Achaean years or PERM[ANENT] before it can be repeated.
HOUSE REWARD <reward id> NOTES <text>
    Any additional comments that are relevant to rewarding.
HOUSE REWARD <reward id> DATE <date of reward>
    Not required, can be used to backdate a reward to a person.
HOUSE REWARD <reward id> DROP <reason>
    Ability to drop a reward with a logged reason, i.e. leaving the house.
HOUSE REWARD DROPALL <person> <reason>
    Ability to drop all rewards at once with a logged reason.
HOUSE REWARD MULTIPLE <person> <count> <reward>
    Ability to lay multiples of the same reward for the same person at once.
    Ability to search for rewards with a permanent and/or special value/term
    or with a specific reward name.
    Ability to list a summary total of the rewards for a specified person.

When the house member reached a certain rewards point value, then they would be eligible for promotion. The same type of system could be used for cities, orders, high clans, and so forth.


  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    This is kind of what favours and the favourlog is for, isn't it?
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • AerekAerek East Tennessee, USA
    edited September 2016
    For a simple progression system, yes. Madelyne's wishing for the ability to handle a wider array of house records for whatever purpose you might desire, since organizational databases already exist in the form of the Crimes/Charges system. The Shield, for example, tracks and rewards sparring and dueling as one means of House progression, which is displayed in a project like so:
                   FFA  DIV 1  DIV 2  DIV 3  DIV 4  DIV 5  TOTAL
    <> EXEMPLAR    (5)   (50)   (50)   (50)   (50)   (50)  (500)
    -------------- ---  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
    Aerek            6    109    161    100     77     56    533
    And logged using the Crimes/Charges system, like so:
    5014      23 Mir 716 Aerek           Vanguard: seragorn   1          4
    5015      23 Mir 716 Aerek           Vanguard: kenway     2          4
    5049      15 Sca 717 Aerek           Vanguard: kasa       2          2
    5050      21 Ero 717 Aerek           Vanguard: nathuel    1          5
    5051      21 Ero 717 Aerek           Vanguard: atalkez    2          2
    5052      23 Ero 717 Aerek           Vanguard: wessux     2          2
    Since the Shield doesn't keep House enemies, we just use the Crimes/Charges system to facilitate these records and it works fine, but if a House -did- want to keep records of actual enemies and their crimes, I think it's reasonable to want a similar database for tracking member progress/rewards of a non-favour nature. All Houses tend to have -some- paperwork to do, and this would remove the need for clans, ugly HHELPs, or the dreaded Yahoo groups to keep track of IC progression notes.
    -- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
  • MadelyneMadelyne East Coast, USA
    Aerek said:
    For a simple progression system, yes. Madelyne's wishing for the ability to handle a wider array of house records for whatever purpose you might desire, since organizational databases already exist in the form of the Crimes/Charges system.
    Since the Shield doesn't keep House enemies, we just use the Crimes/Charges system to facilitate these records and it works fine, but if a House -did- want to keep records of actual enemies and their crimes, I think it's reasonable to want a similar database for tracking member progress/rewards of a non-favour nature. All Houses tend to have -some- paperwork to do, and this would remove the need for clans, ugly HHELPs, or the dreaded Yahoo groups to keep track of IC progression notes.
    Exactly. Thanks, Aerek. :) The house enemy system would work great -- except the Merchants do track enemies, being housed in Delos.
  • I am looking for a way to record house achievements, other than in a scroll, which we now have. It would not necessarily be an achievement rewarded with a favour, so the favour system does not work. We cannot use the charges either, since we track enemies with that. A house reward system might work for this, if every house member can see the rewards/achievements another house member has had. 
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