I'm using Wundersys, which in turn is using server-side curing, in addition to manually sipping and applying salves. Is there a neat way for me to catch all instances of using salves/elixirs for tracking? I don't want to miscount by trying to use the lines like "the elixir heals and soothes you" due to accidental double sipping and the like. Is there any unified way to catch all of them (gmcp etc.)?
When you say "manually sipping and applying salves", is that just from your aliases? If so, you can change them to use CURING QUEUE ADD <cure>, which will give you the [CURING]: SIP HEALTH (or whatever) line that you can make a trigger for. Will also prevent wasting sips and such when you don't have the necessary balance, as far as I know.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
The line when you refill from the rift (either manually or automatically) tells you the name of the elixir/salve and the number of sips remaining:
You refill a black glass vial with 200 sips of an elixir of mana from your rift, bringing the total remaining sips in the rift to 120.
You quickly refill a black glass vial with an elixir of mana from your rift, bringing the total sips remaining in your rift to 0.