I've been working my way through shaman for a bit now, asking questions on a different thread, so figured I'd just make a thread here.
To start off, I have a couple.
1) What's better for sticking afflictions quickly: swiftcurse <aff>, or curse <aff>/jinx <aff><aff>/invoke <something>? In my testing, you can't swiftcurse/invoke, and swiftcurse (or breach or blight) doesn't proc jinx.
2) Does invoke coagulation just add an affliction to your curse, or does it do something special with the affliction? Like make it harder to cure/act like a blight/etc.
Omor Ceberek - Targossas
got gud
got gud
How do you 'open' a fight as a Shaman? Locking with just swiftcurse burying affs under para/asthma seems like it's too easy to interrupt or stop with curseward/leave room. Thus I assume you start with a bleed/mana drain path so you can start soulrending for puppet fashions.
If this is the case, what's the bleeding path? Stack ginseng affs, relapse haemo, bloodlet? Then switch to rushing for true lock and seal with coagulate or soulscourge if they prio the bleeding, else work to inflame by keeping haemo on.
I read a lot about shaman and salve locks, but I think they were all pre-mangle nerf. Is this still a thing that you can sit on to move towards a true lock? Unless you're swiftcursing in the ~3s of salve lock duration assuming that you're landing mangle more or less perfectly each cycle, I can't see getting very far without running out of fashions to mangle with.
How long does Tzantza take as you get more affs, and is it generally possible to pull it off on someone solo (without just locking them anyways), or is it more for group pvp with aff classes?
A number of people have mentioned Shaman is partially a prep class, due to Vodun. The obvious (not necessarily easy/reliable) end games I see off of this besides soulscourge imbibe are aeon lock or aeon/concussion (I was hoping for some dirty blight sleep, aeon, jinx sleep sleep path but sleep isn't a curse ). Aeon recovery time is so slow I'm not really sure it's the point.
Or is it so that you can land cripple or mangle to prone for a lock? It looks like you'd lose a lot of aff pressure any time you use a vodun skill unless it's adding something big to a lock, since damage isn't the focus, curses afflict more/faster, and vodun bleed is inferior.
Haven't found any recent Shaman logs to look over, and all the deathsights I see are off of inflame. Feels like I'm missing something about Shaman combat. Thanks in advance, love how active the combat scene looks here.
The 'bleeding' path is pretty versatile. You can use bleeding to get access to the valuable lethargy or slickness afflictions, you can use it to drain mana and soulrend a lot of fashions very quickly, and you can use a lot of bleeding to instantly kill someone with sensitivity, inflame, and soulscourge throttle. The option that you get the most use of will depend on how highly your opponent decides to prioritise haemophilia.
Shaman salve-locks can be done if you get a large enough (~40) fashion doll. You use command, cripple and mangles to put someone in a bad position, then punish them for applying restoration by giving anorexia, impatience, blocker afflictions, asthma + slickness with soulscourge and lastly paralysis and voyria. Swiftcurse alone is fast enough to do this if your timing is very good, and relapse and jinx give you a much more forgiving window.
Tzantza is pretty much exclusively a post-lock finisher, but it's good at that role, being near-instant if your opponent has 7 relevant afflictions. For teams, you'll be looking to hinder and lock, push damage with sensitivity and inflame, or just spam throttle if you have a high int. Shaman fits nicely into any team
If you want examples or more specific advice, please feel free to approach me in-game.
Relapse is 25 seconds.
Had a little bit of time to start playing around with curses and looking into locks. Regarding slickness, besides coagulate/imbibe, is it possible to carry daggers or handaxes and envenom/throw them to land it without having to use fashions or have them bleeding? Could I even use some sort of high speed weapon (dagger?) and jab assuming no rebounding and I stripped sileris?
You can use weapons, but coagulate and soulscourge are comboableable with curses for two afflictions at once, so I'd say they are generally better.
It's noteworthy that you can combo bloodlet with a curse for easy haemophilia and can use teraile attune for free bleed on each curse, which makes getting to coagulate a lot simpler.