House/City credits from gambling sales, IRE elite, artifact carts, etc

I noticed Dawnblade/Targossas credit income takes a huge hit any time there's anything like this. I'm glad that these promotions are good for the game, but being able to provide cheap credits to novices is also good for the game. @NIcola @Makarios Is there a way we could just get an equivalent amount of credits from these purchases so we can have the best of both worlds? Do other Houses/cities notice a similar drop in house/city credits when these promotions are running?

 i'm a rebel


  • @Tesha a part why we are far more sensitive is we lack the treasury reserves being a much younger city and on any given day we will have more people who are dragons than with artie wings.
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    @Tesha this has been asked manymanymany times. Not sure why it was a no/never implemented. Idk.
    Huh. Neat.
  • I've seen it mentioned on forums a tonne of times. Grandeur mentions it more than anyone else. But I have never seen it addressed by admins at all.
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    I've always felt like certain expenditures should be contributing back to the game but don't. For example our Iron Elite. It's probably not a big money maker in the face of the big credit purchases, but it is guaranteed income for as long as we're subscribed.

    If they injected even 5 credits into the credit market (or city credits) per renewed subscription monthly, it's still 5 more credits pushed into circulation. Especially since membership credits are bound and we can't do anything with them otherwise.

  • I'd be very happy if my Iron Elite gave 5 credits to the city/house.

    Do No brainer packages give anything?
  • Nope nothing at all except direct credit purchases give credits to house/city. Or mentors, for that matter. I felt obligated to get my protege to take advantage of the artifact cart, even though it means I don't get any credits.

    On that note, purchases of any kind like no brainers etc. count toward the first three purchase rule of mentors getting credits from your first three purchases. So if their first three purchases are no brainer lessons, no brainer lessons, and no brainer credits, you don't get anything even if they buy 40,000 credits directly after that. 

     i'm a rebel

  • SzanthaxSzanthax San Diego
    I felt like when i bought lessons packages i saw credits being deposited... unless someone just happened to buy a big package at the same time i bought lesson packages... maybes its different :/

  • Devran said:
    I'd be very happy if my Iron Elite gave 5 credits to the city/house.

    Do No brainer packages give anything?
    gives 3 to cities - shows up on the logs. not sure on the rate for house. Tecton totally crushed me and said no when I asked a few months ago - dunno how @Makarios and @Nicola feel about it. pardon me if any of this has been answered as I havent read the whole thread.
  • AerekAerek East Tennessee, USA
    Pretty sure that Elite renewals do give credits to the House, or there have been some very coincidentally-timed purchases when mine has renewed. Gives 5cr if I recall, so about 3%.

    Agree that other promos should give back to the Houses. As an HL, I always pushed the Shield to spend its resources to make the game more fun for its members, without demanding/expecting players to run "fundraisers" to keep our books balanced. (Kinda defeats the purpose of doing fun things in a game if you have to assign chores in return)
    -- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
  • I fathom that truly entrepreneurial minds are less susceptible to the notion of consumer well-being.

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  • This actually wouldn't be a bad idea at all. One thing that you could do if you notice a high amount of gold and low credits is to withdraw the gold and purchase the credits elsewhere and transfer them to the House. (An option, not a perfect option, mind you) Maybe otherwise as well within the game such as lotteries and contests to earn gold/credits for the House.

  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    That is something already done (or used to, at least) when necessary. Not really a often now these days because of the withdrawal cap though. 
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • A little bit of a bump, but @Nicola and @Makarios, is there any chance you two would consider letting spin purchases contribute to house/city credits?

     i'm a rebel

  • Spin purchases are entirely IC and won't be contributing to any House or City credits.
  • But lesson purchases do :)

  • edited September 2016
    Oh! Oops, I misread, I thought it was the same buy spins from the site thing. Sorry about that!

     i'm a rebel

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