Fist of the North Star i.e. Hokuto no Ken forever!
Also all Go Nagai stuff. I do not know you got it in the US back in the '80. It is old stuff, but they where the first and the prime. Tiger mask was a masterpiece too!
Ok, I am an old nerd but when I saw an episode of Pokemon, I almost fainted.
Found Ajin yesterday and I loved it. Need to find more manga like that...also screw Golden Week, I need my weekly Shonen (Bleach, Naruto, One Piece) fix!
At least the Koreans aren't being lazy this week and there's a The Breaker: New Waves release.
M3 the dark metal and Sidonia no Kishi, the latter of which I am also reading the manga of. Unfortunately, Chapters 52-60 have not been translated, so I've futilely been reading them untranslated. If you can call that reading. Both anime have extra-terrestrial monsters as main focuses.
"Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"
> @Nemutaur said: > Found Ajin yesterday and I loved it. Need to find more manga like that...also screw Golden Week, I need my weekly Shonen (Bleach, Naruto, One Piece) fix! > > At least the Koreans aren't being lazy this week and there's a The Breaker: New Waves release.
The breaker was great this week, that ending was cool. Can't wait to see what happens next week regarding the training
Favorites: Trigun, Initial D, .Hack/Sign, Tenjou Tenge, Death Note, Baki the Grappler, Full Metal Alchemist/Brotherhood, Gundam Seed, Samurai 7, Roni Kenshin
Currently watching: One Piece, Attack on Titan
Naruto/Shippuden is possibly my favorite anime series, rivaling only my love for Trigun. No shame.
I only just started watching Attack on Titan. I like it so far. Oh, Avatar: the Last Airbender is a great little anime. I couldn't make myself watch more than the first season of Legend of Korra though.
Ano Hana was surprisingly really good, though I felt the ending was slightly abrupt. Not enough to ruin it for me though, a small amount of tears were indeed shed.
Alright there's an anime thread I've been on a watching spree over the past few months and I'm literally running out. Need suggestions! Anime! Anime!
Open and willing to watch all genres. No ongoing ones - I've been keeping up with all the ongoing ones already that I find worth watching. And tbh, I prefer watching finished series over ongoing ones, even if it's amazing.
Maybe Sword Art Online II - if that's your thing. You would have to watch the first Sword Art Online first.
The animation quality of all the anime in general have gone waaaaay up - Also, if you didn't watch No Game No Life last season, GO WATCH IT NAO. Those would be my top recommendations this season. Glasslip has amazing animation quality as well, but I'm not so sure on the plot. The first two episodes haven't been that revealing. I imagine it'll turn out to be mostly a slice of life anime. There's a number of random ones that come to mind, but nothing that merits my immediate recommendation from what I can remember off the top of my head. I don't follow Shoujo anime in general, though there were a few that caught my eye that I briefly skimmed through a few episodes of. I would have to think more deeply about which ones were decent before I can get to you in that genre.
Been watching SAOII, though the first two episodes failed to impress. Thought SAO (first season) went on a downward spiral since the SAO arc finished midway through, tbh. I did watch No Game No life ... eh. I know a lot of people are into it, but I dislike it, to be honest. The sister-bro relationship is too fanservicey for my tastes, the games feel so ridiculously written in favour of the siblings (especially since you know well, that they're going to win.) and the idea of being dropped into a new world, able to suddenly triumph over magical creatures with hundreds of years in experience in winning games, because supposedly genius at video games carry over to real life in other worlds ... kinda annoys me.
And plus they referenced Civ 5 as an explanation for being competent when he set up a tax system. You can't do anything with taxes or tariffs in Civ 5do they even play (though if it was Civ in general I forgive them. Hmm. Don't remember if they specified or not). Ugh, I'm so mad.
First three animes aren't familar to me though. Are they ongoing? I'll check them out.
Yeah, they're ongoing. I can't edit it anymore so...
Tokyo Ghoul
Akame ga Kill
Maybe Sword Art Online II - if that's your thing. You would have to watch the first Sword Art Online first.
The animation quality of all the anime in general have gone waaaaay up - Also, if you didn't watch No Game No Life last season, GO WATCH IT NAO. Those would be my top recommendations this season. Glasslip has amazing animation quality as well, but I'm not so sure on the plot. The first two episodes haven't been that revealing. I imagine it'll turn out to be mostly a slice of life anime. There's a number of random ones that come to mind, but nothing that merits my immediate recommendation from what I can remember off the top of my head. I don't follow Shoujo anime in general, though there were a few that caught my eye that I briefly skimmed through a few episodes of. I would have to think more deeply about which ones were decent before I can get to you in that genre.
To elaborate a bit further, Aldnoah.Zero is an -original- (not based off a light novel or manga) mecha anime series by Urobuchi Gen. He made Saya no Uta, Madoka, Fate/Zero, among other famous works. I personally am a fan of his darker style, though he tends to have somewhat predictable plot twists once you get used to him. But back to Aldnoah.Zero - Urobuchi Gen. Hiroyuki Sawano on music with a Kalafina opening theme. Directed by Ei Aoki, who also did Fate/Zero. Based on the first two episodes, this is the anime I look forward the most to, out of the four I mentioned. Tokyo Ghoul can easily compete for the top spot though, and really it's more of a preference in what kind of style and genres you like than one being any better or worse than the other.
Tokyo Ghoul is a horror anime as you can expect. Gorier, darker, bloodier. Explores a lot more psychological aspects amongst all the violence. The portrayal of the internal anguish the protagonist goes through is exquisite. One could say it's overdone, but I just think it makes it more badass overall. Stay away if you can't handle violence, blood and gore but if you can stomach, or enjoy it then there's a lot more going for it.
Akame ga Kill - I've already read the manga so I initially skipped over this anime but I decided to watch it anyways. Was waaay worth. It's more of a typical shonen adventure type anime, and likely will stay that way. The plot is standard adventure, involving a group of assassins against a extremely corrupt regime. It's a bit heavy on the violence as well, though not as much as Tokyo Ghoul.
Sword Art Online II. Nothing really to say here - sequel to Sword Art Online. Watch that and make your own guesses as to how it'll turn out. I do agree that the first two episodes have failed to impress, which is why it's way down on the more top tier, or potentially top tier anime this season.
DON'T LIE TO ME YOU SAID YOU WERE KEEPING UP WITH ONGOING ANIME. Well, they came out this season, so I suppose you can say they're ongoing. There's another mecha anime in which I think the premise is stupid (or perhaps generic would be the more proper term, but generic mecha anime usually have extremely forced premises involving the protagonist in general). Glasslip is ok - I'll reserve judgement like I said, it could get a lot better depending on the turn of events and how it's played out.
As for finished ones. Hrm. I could list the classics but you can find them on any list. I liked SoltyRei when I was younger, but that could be nostalgia speaking since I haven't check it out recently - perhaps that's something you can check out while I actually try to remember others.
Oh, Fate/Zero if you haven't watched it yet. Log Horizon has an upcoming season to it, but the first part is finished - the next season starts this upcoming October if I'm not mistaken. October should be continuing a number of popular anime.
Mhmm, I've watched Fate/Zero and Log Horizon (which I both liked, and am looking forward to the Log Horizon sequel). Yeah, I've kiiind of been keeping up with ongoing anime - well, perhaps not really. When I find an anime series I tend to marathon it (especially since all the animes lately have been on the shorter side, 26 eps or lower. Air time probably getting precious). Can't do that with ongoing animes, obviously, and I always find it sooo tedious to have to remind myself to watch again every week. That's generally why I prefer finished works. Though marathoning animes overnight will be over soon now that summer is ending
Tokyo Ghoul looks neat. Haven't watched a new horror anime since Another (not because I dislike horror, I just don't come across it that often. Oh, and I suppose Pupa was more recent, but the short episode lengths pushes me off). Might check it out, looking over it quickly reminds me of how Elfen Lied might've looked like if it was created today
Ohh, and I really like the looks of Aldnoah.Zero. I don't know though, I thought Captain Earth looked amazing from the first episode, and then it took a complete U-turn in the next few episodes. Felt like it almost scarred me for life from mecha animes
Oh lol, I was in a ranked 5's League game. Yeah, I thought Captain Earth had potential. Then it degenerated T_T I think Aldnoah.Zero will continue to look good though, given its production team. I mean, it has a similar cast as Fate/Zero did and that was great so I have high hopes for that show. Tokyo Ghoul is very interesting IMO - and given what I know of the manga already, I can't really see it going terribly wrong.
But yeah, Captain Earth. Lol. I still follow it when I have nothing else to watch, but definitely looked better at the start than it does now. It's mostly Aldnoah.Zero that I'm really looking forward to at present this season, while the others are really enjoyable series when they come out.
Oh, and one anime that comes to mind would be Mawaru Penguindrum. It's a completed anime, so there's that going for it. I liked it a lot, though it's a bit crazy at first, there's a lot of depth to it. Symbolism, references, what seems like a nonsensical storyline is extremely well-structured in hindsight once you finish it. Everything has a meaning and a place in this series. Definitely a series I watched more than once from beginning to end after the first time so I could ponder a bit more about everything it tried to convey.
I dunno if it counts but Crunchyroll has it so it's close enough, right? Enjoy a show about MapleStory. No, not the actual anime, but something with glorious voice acting of epic proportion, including the infamous Microsoft Sam and some other people in the credits probably.
It's also really short - 13 episodes about five minutes a piece - so watching it won't be a complete waste of your life!
I thought it was adorable for reasons that mystify even me.
Enjoy! (it's on Crunchyroll too if you want to watch it there, but mysteriously Crunchyroll only has twelve episodes, so you will have to watch the thirteenth on Youtube if you get that far!)
I dunno if it counts but Crunchyroll has it so it's close enough, right? Enjoy a show about MapleStory. No, not the actual anime, but something with glorious voice acting of epic proportion, including the infamous Microsoft Sam and some other people in the credits probably.
It's also really short - 13 episodes about five minutes a piece - so watching it won't be a complete waste of your life!
I thought it was adorable for reasons that mystify even me.
Enjoy! (it's on Crunchyroll too if you want to watch it there, but mysteriously Crunchyroll only has twelve episodes, so you will have to watch the thirteenth on Youtube if you get that far!)
Actually saw this a year back, a friend recommendation for something different. Ehh...I'm pretty ambivalent towards it. It was interesting and at times pretty hilarious, but wasn't particularly memorable. I did like it somewhat, though!
Mawaru Penguindrum isn't an anime I've watched or in fact ever heard of (which is kind of astonishing!) I'll check that one out first. First episode left a positive impression!
Anime movies would be nice too! I haven't really been watching anime movies lately (past year and a half or so) so that would be nice.
Code Geass Higurashi Naruto (Read it) (Omg -Spoiler redacted- IS ALIVE?!) Naruto (Watch it) (HOLY -Spoiler redacted- IS SO GOOD LOOKING IN THE ANIME) Death Note
Elfin Lied SAO Gunslinger Girl (The feels, Claes.. The feels.) Knights of Sidonia One Week Friends (Omg.. </3)
About all I got. Anyone watch the same things as me? =o
@lodin I've seen Code Geass both seasons are really good. Not sure how far along you are in SAO, but I thought it was good as well. Not as amazing as everyone hypes it up to be, but still pretty good. Far too lazy to read manga, but I have seen a bunch of stuff plus I have a pretty full queue on crunchyroll. Always down to chat about anime if someone wants to.
I don't get this. I read hundreds of manga, but watching anime is a lot harder and I can never seem to find time for it, so I generally only watch a few series a year.
I don't get this. I read hundreds of manga, but watching anime is a lot harder and I can never seem to find time for it, so I generally only watch a few series a year.
I dislike waiting for anime to stream and/or download. Hence, manga. The last time I did watch an anime was YuuShibu though, because reasons.
I don't get this. I read hundreds of manga, but watching anime is a lot harder and I can never seem to find time for it, so I generally only watch a few series a year.
That's the exact opposite of me. I try to get 30 minutes of reading in a day but it is normally developmental stuff. Easier for me to just go through a few episodes in the queue for me. I know I miss out on some good manga that never gets animated. Might pick it up when I am done studying though. So much stuff to do and not enough time in the day.
Reading is far faster so I normally read manga. However, my advisor is out of the country for two months for a math conference so I feel like I have a bit more time to relax >.> While in the past, I would have said it's not worth the time to watch an anime over reading the manga - today's animation quality and just overall quality (pacing, music, etc.) have just gone up so much that I'd definitely watch the anime of a manga I've already read now (in some cases, not all). Akame ga Kill and Tokyo Ghoul this season - though I've read the manga for them already, I still think the anime is worth watching.
But yeah, thousands of manga read because reading is faster than waiting for it to stream and then actually watching it.
Ah perhaps. I've just never had streaming problems so that may influence my decision as well. Watching anime is usually the only time I have to zone out. I don't get that same feeling while reading, even if it is entertaining if that makes sense.
I have some old stuff in my queue as well but as far as what I am watching from this season:
Akame ga Kill, SAO, The Irregular at Magic Highschool, Aldnoah Zero, Bladedance of Elementalers, Hamatora, Glasslip and Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun(don't judge me!)
Fist of the North Star i.e. Hokuto no Ken forever!
Also all Go Nagai stuff. I do not know you got it in the US back in the '80. It is old stuff, but they where the first and the prime. Tiger mask was a masterpiece too!
Ok, I am an old nerd but when I saw an episode of Pokemon, I almost fainted.
Shoot me….
Found Ajin yesterday and I loved it. Need to find more manga like that...also screw Golden Week, I need my weekly Shonen (Bleach, Naruto, One Piece) fix!
At least the Koreans aren't being lazy this week and there's a The Breaker: New Waves release.
I've been fixated on certain mecha anime lately:
M3 the dark metal and Sidonia no Kishi, the latter of which I am also reading the manga of. Unfortunately, Chapters 52-60 have not been translated, so I've futilely been reading them untranslated. If you can call that reading. Both anime have extra-terrestrial monsters as main focuses.
> Found Ajin yesterday and I loved it. Need to find more manga like that...also screw Golden Week, I need my weekly Shonen (Bleach, Naruto, One Piece) fix!
> At least the Koreans aren't being lazy this week and there's a The Breaker: New Waves release.
The breaker was great this week, that ending was cool. Can't wait to see what happens next week regarding the training
@Ruth has me watching M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane now. It's something while waiting for the next season of Buddy Complex.
Will check out 5 centimeters per second next!
discord: aciidwire#5240
Please check out my new art page!
EVA forever. But not the re-done ones
I did like Death and Rebirth and the End of Evangelion over the original run ending (blasphemy, I know, I know).
Elfen Lied was pretty good (the re-done Gustav Klimpt painting in the opening is
No homo, but I love Kuroshitsuji
Alright there's an anime thread I've been on a watching spree over the past few months and I'm literally running out. Need suggestions! Anime! Anime!
Open and willing to watch all genres. No ongoing ones - I've been keeping up with all the ongoing ones already that I find worth watching. And tbh, I prefer watching finished series over ongoing ones, even if it's amazing.
Been watching SAOII, though the first two episodes failed to impress. Thought SAO (first season) went on a downward spiral since the SAO arc finished midway through, tbh. I did watch No Game No life ... eh. I know a lot of people are into it, but I dislike it, to be honest. The sister-bro relationship is too fanservicey for my tastes, the games feel so ridiculously written in favour of the siblings (especially since you know well, that they're going to win.) and the idea of being dropped into a new world, able to suddenly triumph over magical creatures with hundreds of years in experience in winning games, because supposedly genius at video games carry over to real life in other worlds ... kinda annoys me.
And plus they referenced Civ 5 as an explanation for being competent when he set up a tax system. You can't do anything with taxes or tariffs in Civ 5 do they even play (though if it was Civ in general I forgive them. Hmm. Don't remember if they specified or not). Ugh, I'm so mad.
First three animes aren't familar to me though. Are they ongoing? I'll check them out.
Yeah, they're ongoing. I can't edit it anymore so...
Tokyo Ghoul
Akame ga Kill
Maybe Sword Art Online II - if that's your thing. You would have to watch the first Sword Art Online first.
The animation quality of all the anime in general have gone waaaaay up - Also, if you didn't watch No Game No Life last season, GO WATCH IT NAO. Those would be my top recommendations this season. Glasslip has amazing animation quality as well, but I'm not so sure on the plot. The first two episodes haven't been that revealing. I imagine it'll turn out to be mostly a slice of life anime. There's a number of random ones that come to mind, but nothing that merits my immediate recommendation from what I can remember off the top of my head. I don't follow Shoujo anime in general, though there were a few that caught my eye that I briefly skimmed through a few episodes of. I would have to think more deeply about which ones were decent before I can get to you in that genre.
To elaborate a bit further, Aldnoah.Zero is an -original- (not based off a light novel or manga) mecha anime series by Urobuchi Gen. He made Saya no Uta, Madoka, Fate/Zero, among other famous works. I personally am a fan of his darker style, though he tends to have somewhat predictable plot twists once you get used to him. But back to Aldnoah.Zero - Urobuchi Gen. Hiroyuki Sawano on music with a Kalafina opening theme. Directed by Ei Aoki, who also did Fate/Zero. Based on the first two episodes, this is the anime I look forward the most to, out of the four I mentioned. Tokyo Ghoul can easily compete for the top spot though, and really it's more of a preference in what kind of style and genres you like than one being any better or worse than the other.
Tokyo Ghoul is a horror anime as you can expect. Gorier, darker, bloodier. Explores a lot more psychological aspects amongst all the violence. The portrayal of the internal anguish the protagonist goes through is exquisite. One could say it's overdone, but I just think it makes it more badass overall. Stay away if you can't handle violence, blood and gore but if you can stomach, or enjoy it then there's a lot more going for it.
Akame ga Kill - I've already read the manga so I initially skipped over this anime but I decided to watch it anyways. Was waaay worth. It's more of a typical shonen adventure type anime, and likely will stay that way. The plot is standard adventure, involving a group of assassins against a extremely corrupt regime. It's a bit heavy on the violence as well, though not as much as Tokyo Ghoul.
Sword Art Online II. Nothing really to say here - sequel to Sword Art Online. Watch that and make your own guesses as to how it'll turn out. I do agree that the first two episodes have failed to impress, which is why it's way down on the more top tier, or potentially top tier anime this season.
DON'T LIE TO ME YOU SAID YOU WERE KEEPING UP WITH ONGOING ANIME. Well, they came out this season, so I suppose you can say they're ongoing. There's another mecha anime in which I think the premise is stupid (or perhaps generic would be the more proper term, but generic mecha anime usually have extremely forced premises involving the protagonist in general). Glasslip is ok - I'll reserve judgement like I said, it could get a lot better depending on the turn of events and how it's played out.
As for finished ones. Hrm. I could list the classics but you can find them on any list. I liked SoltyRei when I was younger, but that could be nostalgia speaking since I haven't check it out recently - perhaps that's something you can check out while I actually try to remember others.
Oh, Fate/Zero if you haven't watched it yet. Log Horizon has an upcoming season to it, but the first part is finished - the next season starts this upcoming October if I'm not mistaken. October should be continuing a number of popular anime.
Mhmm, I've watched Fate/Zero and Log Horizon (which I both liked, and am looking forward to the Log Horizon sequel). Yeah, I've kiiind of been keeping up with ongoing anime - well, perhaps not really. When I find an anime series I tend to marathon it (especially since all the animes lately have been on the shorter side, 26 eps or lower. Air time probably getting precious). Can't do that with ongoing animes, obviously, and I always find it sooo tedious to have to remind myself to watch again every week. That's generally why I prefer finished works. Though marathoning animes overnight will be over soon now that summer is ending
Tokyo Ghoul looks neat. Haven't watched a new horror anime since Another (not because I dislike horror, I just don't come across it that often. Oh, and I suppose Pupa was more recent, but the short episode lengths pushes me off). Might check it out, looking over it quickly reminds me of how Elfen Lied might've looked like if it was created today
Ohh, and I really like the looks of Aldnoah.Zero. I don't know though, I thought Captain Earth looked amazing from the first episode, and then it took a complete U-turn in the next few episodes. Felt like it almost scarred me for life from mecha animes
Oh lol, I was in a ranked 5's League game. Yeah, I thought Captain Earth had potential. Then it degenerated T_T I think Aldnoah.Zero will continue to look good though, given its production team. I mean, it has a similar cast as Fate/Zero did and that was great so I have high hopes for that show. Tokyo Ghoul is very interesting IMO - and given what I know of the manga already, I can't really see it going terribly wrong.
But yeah, Captain Earth. Lol. I still follow it when I have nothing else to watch, but definitely looked better at the start than it does now. It's mostly Aldnoah.Zero that I'm really looking forward to at present this season, while the others are really enjoyable series when they come out.
Oh, and one anime that comes to mind would be Mawaru Penguindrum. It's a completed anime, so there's that going for it. I liked it a lot, though it's a bit crazy at first, there's a lot of depth to it. Symbolism, references, what seems like a nonsensical storyline is extremely well-structured in hindsight once you finish it. Everything has a meaning and a place in this series. Definitely a series I watched more than once from beginning to end after the first time so I could ponder a bit more about everything it tried to convey.
I dunno if it counts but Crunchyroll has it so it's close enough, right? Enjoy a show about MapleStory. No, not the actual anime, but something with glorious voice acting of epic proportion, including the infamous Microsoft Sam and some other people in the credits probably.
It's also really short - 13 episodes about five minutes a piece - so watching it won't be a complete waste of your life!
I thought it was adorable for reasons that mystify even me.
Enjoy! (it's on Crunchyroll too if you want to watch it there, but mysteriously Crunchyroll only has twelve episodes, so you will have to watch the thirteenth on Youtube if you get that far!)
Actually saw this a year back, a friend recommendation for something different. Ehh...I'm pretty ambivalent towards it. It was interesting and at times pretty hilarious, but wasn't particularly memorable. I did like it somewhat, though!
Mawaru Penguindrum isn't an anime I've watched or in fact ever heard of (which is kind of astonishing!) I'll check that one out first. First episode left a positive impression!
Anime movies would be nice too! I haven't really been watching anime movies lately (past year and a half or so) so that would be nice.
Watch Read or Die, and then R.o.D the TV. I forget how the movies go since it's been years, but R.o.D the TV is adorable and amazing.
Naruto (Read it) (Omg -Spoiler redacted- IS ALIVE?!)
Naruto (Watch it) (HOLY -Spoiler redacted- IS SO GOOD LOOKING IN THE ANIME)
Death Note
Gunslinger Girl (The feels, Claes.. The feels.)
Knights of Sidonia
One Week Friends (Omg.. </3)
About all I got. Anyone watch the same things as me? =o
Yo guys!
@lodin I've seen Code Geass both seasons are really good. Not sure how far along you are in SAO, but I thought it was good as well. Not as amazing as everyone hypes it up to be, but still pretty good. Far too lazy to read manga, but I have seen a bunch of stuff plus I have a pretty full queue on crunchyroll. Always down to chat about anime if someone wants to.
I don't get this. I read hundreds of manga, but watching anime is a lot harder and I can never seem to find time for it, so I generally only watch a few series a year.
I dislike waiting for anime to stream and/or download. Hence, manga. The last time I did watch an anime was YuuShibu though, because reasons.
That's the exact opposite of me. I try to get 30 minutes of reading in a day but it is normally developmental stuff. Easier for me to just go through a few episodes in the queue for me. I know I miss out on some good manga that never gets animated. Might pick it up when I am done studying though. So much stuff to do and not enough time in the day.
Reading is far faster so I normally read manga. However, my advisor is out of the country for two months for a math conference so I feel like I have a bit more time to relax >.> While in the past, I would have said it's not worth the time to watch an anime over reading the manga - today's animation quality and just overall quality (pacing, music, etc.) have just gone up so much that I'd definitely watch the anime of a manga I've already read now (in some cases, not all). Akame ga Kill and Tokyo Ghoul this season - though I've read the manga for them already, I still think the anime is worth watching.
But yeah, thousands of manga read because reading is faster than waiting for it to stream and then actually watching it.
Ah perhaps. I've just never had streaming problems so that may influence my decision as well. Watching anime is usually the only time I have to zone out. I don't get that same feeling while reading, even if it is entertaining if that makes sense.
I have some old stuff in my queue as well but as far as what I am watching from this season:
Akame ga Kill, SAO, The Irregular at Magic Highschool, Aldnoah Zero, Bladedance of Elementalers, Hamatora, Glasslip and Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun(don't judge me!)