Proper way to ditch game? Or just a heads up

So you might notice I just go blankly mindless from time to time.

I am not ignoring you or being rude.

Aside from working a fulltime job, I also volunteer firefight, and EMS.

So sometimes when a pager goes off I have to run. Sometimes I have time to say bye if it's not urgent (moving a patient etc)

Couple people have been annoyed at me lately and I have no idea how to explain this in RP terms -_-


  • SzanthaxSzanthax San Diego
    Reply ps. Bye gotta go

  • I'd macro a butt. Say Excuse me/fl write journal (if your on svo)
  • Taraus said:
    ^ I have one of those too, only my alias is 'afk'

    And even if you can't spare the time to say "bye" ICly, I think most of the playerbase is aware that sometimes, shit happens, and when you gotta go, you gotta do it now.

    And you can always take an opportunity after the fact to apologize to whoever you bailed on with something short and sweet, "I was demanded elsewhere and it was unavoidable", etc.

    And if its something that repeatedly happens, most (worthwhile) people that you interact with will come to understand that it's just something that comes along with the character Aesi - immediate departures with no warning! (p. sure anyone that's interacted with Tart for any length of time knows that I will vanish mysteriously with no warning because something's flooded/on fire/exploded/leaking/some animal caught another animal and is eating it in my kitchen and/or the kitchen is also on fire and leaking.
    everyone's comments have been good.

    That must be some funny farm you got going on there. That's awesome.
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    setalias afk daydream/config tellsoffmsg Sorry, mindless for a bit. Leave a message and I'll get back to you ASAP./tellsoff
    Huh. Neat.
  • Setalias afk reply (ooc) sorry, explosive diarhhia/write journal
  • I just say I have to disappear.

    Then shipreturn, commscreen or whatever, and go do what I need to do. Unless it'll take a while, in which case I usually qq.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • Yeah alright, I've been doing that.

    So after an explanation if people are still annoyed, I'm thinking it's their problem
  • PainePaine Prime Material
    You seem like a considerate person for trying to go to this effort but ultimately Achaea is a game and sometimes people get confused about that. Like you said, if they continue to get annoyed, it's their problem.

  • AustereAustere Tennessee
    Penwize said:
    Austere said:
    Do what I do: Spam out anyone you're talking to with the word "baby" and walk away. I'll do that shit mid raid. Ask anyone.  Priorities. 
    I have no idea how we've managed to avoid getting rushed every single time you have to afk from that.  It's uncanny.
    Rushed? What's that? At worst they move to LoS me and I'm not there.  No one rushes us anymore. .
  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    people will just learn to check first
    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • Austere said:
    Penwize said:
    Austere said:
    Do what I do: Spam out anyone you're talking to with the word "baby" and walk away. I'll do that shit mid raid. Ask anyone.  Priorities. 
    I have no idea how we've managed to avoid getting rushed every single time you have to afk from that.  It's uncanny.
    Rushed? What's that? At worst they move to LoS me and I'm not there.  No one rushes us anymore. .
    Probably because of the copious number of stone walls.
  • It's only ok to AFK if you are supposed to be leading whatever that corresponds in greater magnitude the higher up the position is. The difference between a novice posted twenty minutes straight with those inactivated souless muppet eyes is ok, when I do it as Tyrannus, maybe read my name again -What other conduct did you expect? Other city leaders? Oh it's no doubt a stupid idea if they like their role. I may be a dirtbag but copying me is just poor fu*%ing form! Feel me? Mods, lock it. Help Xenomorph just dropped another reason to bring in new players 
    I -am- the Cataclysm Switchblade.
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