Hi all! I created this "app" to help teach myself serpent venoms (and their affs and cures), and thought I'd share it with you guys. So I bought a domain an appropriate domain name for it, and threw it on a server.
Check it out here:
Venoms AppAny feedback or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Obviously I meant to write:
"So I bought an appropriate domain name for it, and threw it on a server."
On a mobile user agent I would make the ontouchend event show/dismiss the text.
Otherwise really well done.
Nothing happens when you touch the elements? What device are you using?
I will look into your ontouchend suggestion.
does not work in chrome either on IOS
Solution = replace IOS with a better alternative.
Catch me in-game and I'll walk you through it if you want
IE vernalius - afflicts weariness - stops fitness which cures Asthma etc?
Really good work!
If you can help me compile a list of this, I'd be happy to implement it. If you know how to edit json (basically the object list in the app which has all the venoms and their data), you can get it from the source, or I can send it to you.
- Increased venom title heading size
- (hopefully) Made it also clickable on iOS
- When you click a description/afflictions/cures button, it will not reset the other buttons anymore
@Aesi I played around with the touchend event, but didn't get too far. So before I troubleshooted that any further, I converted it onclick functions instead. Hope this works for you on mobile now - please test.
New link: