So I'm a monk. I'm not quite ready to jump into a melee, and there isn't anyone around to help me build kai. What's the best way I can help in a city raid with telepathy?
My plan when this happened yesterday was to mind lock the current party target and rotate clamp, blackout, batter. I'm wondering if there was something I could be doing that would be more useful though... Should i just be spamming strip? Or in this case (an enemy in our city) mind throw them back and forth so they're hit by totems? I'd appreciate any advice.
That said if you're in los don't forget crush.
It's going to depend on what the group is going for. If they are going for afflictions, then generally impatience/batter/blackout loops are fantastic help. Once you recognize the target is locked, you can swap to kai chokes and get the kills. It's pretty good.
If the group is going for damage, you'll want to be mind crushing/choking or comboing torso with Tekura. I usually recommend choke/crush. Generally, in a group setting they won't be able to hold breath so kai choke normally is, again, great.
Now that is assuming you are in the room/on the way to the group. If you're at Rally and dudes are at the locksmith or w/e, then you'll want to find highest prio target > mind lock > sapience > imprint (if you have enough time, rotate through the entire enemy list and grab an imprint, this helps with future locks ((assuming you have the rooms for more imprints)) > strip/radiance/just watch -- really depends on what your group is wanting/needing, and what the plan is from there.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.