I tried running the .run file for Mudlet 3 in Antergos, but it doesn't appear. When I do it on the terminal, this appears:
[mami@AntergosDudels ~]$ /home/mami/mudlet-3.0.0-delta/bin/run-mudlet.sh
./mudlet: error while loading shared libraries: libicui18n.so.52: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[mami@AntergosDudels ~]$
I don't really know what this means. Help pls.
on the aur but it said error: target not found: mudlet-git
same with mudlet-dev.
E: Forgot to tag h(er|im). @Mami
mudlet-git clones the Mudlet repository (https://github.com/Mudlet/Mudlet/) and compiles the absolute newest available version (which may include bugs). I currently use this one and haven't had any issues with it. Your milage may vary.
It's up to you, but you can replace the mudlet-git with mudlet-dev if you want.