I am considering becoming an Alchemist or Blademaster. Stats aside, as I intend to choose a race based on RP value for myself, I noticed both classes can wear ringmail. Horkval can't wear armor, but have natural cutting and blunt resistance. Is the resistance itself high enough to outweigh not wearing armor? I am sure there are mechanics that I do not understand that others do, so please forgive the ignorance.
I think some discussions on the old forums indicated that the portion of adventurer attacks like dsl that scales with max health is the part that doesn't get reduced by armour, so for those, horkval resistance might get better relative to armour the more health you have.
I think a common rule of thumb is that hork resistance is generally better than leather, and roughly as good as ringmail, on average. As a horkval blademaster, I feel pretty squishy, but I don't know if I'm more so than other blademasters, and how much of that is just me being bad at playing defensively.
Actually I think horkval is higher than most armours, which is why they can't wear it.
This race has the following statistics:
- Very resistant to CUTTING damage.
- Very resistant to BLUNT damage.
- Can not wear armour.
The damage example in HELP ARTEFACTS DEFENSIVE for Ring of the Magus says a portion is reduced and a portion is unaffected. I always imagine the unaffected portion is half, but probably not always.
I recall someone once saying hork resistance is 100% on both, meaning the reduceable portion doesn't go through. Might have been 80%. Either way, you can get decent scalemail for somewhere around 47/46 and such, so hork protection is higher than that. Probably higher than chain and splint as well.
Main point: The reason horkval can't wear armour is because their natural protection is significant. So yes, it makes up for it, considering both classes otherwise wear ringmail, which is lower grade.
Side note about alchemists: Their robes can be equipped with specific symbols for specific resistances, in which cutting/blunt are included, so that's even more protection.
Pretty sure that person didn't know what they were talking about. But could be wrong.
My bet is on 60-80%. Someone who knows will have to verify though. :P
11/16/7:59 I can't post on the forums from my phone, so I figured I'd message
you instead. In response to the horkval topic, your post is right. Since they
work differently, both are better in different situations. With ringmail, it's
close enough most of the time that it doesn't matter much which you choose. Also,
I think horkval resistance is 5% or 10% now.
For example, with weapon attacks, armour reduces the damage by about (damagestat*3)*(armourstat%), and the portion that scales with max health is unreduced by armour. Resistance applies to the full damage though, not just the reducible part, so the higher your health the better resistance is compared to armour in that case. Then some attacks (like backstab) have no reducible part, so armour is ignored, but resistance still applies.
Don't have my notes, but robe reduction is like 10%, 12.5% or 15%. Don't remember which. Can cycle based on class of course, so when you fight a mage, use symbols that match their staffcasts. Physical classes, blunt/cutting. Against serps, asphyx and poison resist. Blunt vs tarot users and maybe runelore? (Is thurisaz fire or blunt?) Magic vs occies, necros and anything else with magic-type damage. Yada yada. It has potential, but getting your level up as alch still helpful for tanking.
Only reasons to be Horkval are:
1. Class can't wear armour.
2. ***LEAP***
3. Free up a trait slot that would be taken by Reinforced.
BM - Human
Thurisaz is fire damage
Leap is amazing