lua gmcp.Char.Vitals
wp = "28175",
eq = "1",
ep = "23630",
charstats = {
"Bleed: 0",
"Rage: 0",
"Kai: 0%",
"Stance: None"
I'm trying to get that Kai value to call from that GMCP, to my prompt (@kai is the prompt tag).
I found this...
wsys.prompttags["kai"] = function() if wsys.def.kaitrance then return wsys.stats.kai else return "" end end
wsys.prompttagcolors["kaicolour"] = function()
if wsys.stats.kai < 10 then
--can't even choke
return "red"
elseif wsys.stats.kai < 21 then
--can't heal
return "firebrick"
elseif wsys.stats.kai < 41 then
--can't cripple
return "dark_orange"
elseif wsys.stats.kai < 61 then
--can't enfeeble
return "yellow"
elseif wsys.stats.kai >= 61 then
--can do anything
return "dark_green"
So if I gathered it correctly, I am trying to update where wsys.stats.kai retrieves its value from.
Any ideas on where to go from here? Thanks!
What's the issue with using wsys.stats.kai? Is it not getting the right value? Do you know how Wunderss is supposed to get the value - is it using GMCP itself or is it trying to pull the value from your prompt?
You could pull the value from GMCP yourself and simply populate the wsys.stats.kai value, though the process that Wundersys goes through may result in that getting overwritten. Give this a go:
Put it in a script object that's separate from Wundersys so when you update Wundersys you don't have to make the same change again.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files