Since it seems sort of custom to make a post on forums after resigning from a cityleader position, here goes!
For the non-Eleusians, I stepped down because it began to become a chore. I felt obligated to log in to deal with paperwork, be approachable for people, things like that. I still liked having a positive impact on Eleusis when I could, but the occassional (and inevitable) drama bursts and vocal disagreements do drain the energy. I'd rarely feel like combat, bashing or starting up RP. At that point, it was either keep on trucking with minimal effort, or step down and give someone else a shot to lead Eleusis more proactively. I think I made the right call here, as hard as it can be to step down, telling yourself it'll all be fine even without you.
First of, huge raves to
@Gaia and
@Artemis for supporting me every step of the way. Wouldn't have lasted as Speaker as long as I did without you. Amazing support, and Eleusis has no idea how lucky they are to have you two. Second, the Hierophants/Leath-ri past and present. It was very nice to work with you all! And thirdly, Eleusis as a whole, most notably everyone who looked past the silly rumors and the fear of the new, and gave things an honest chance.
I'm not going to rant about the things that were headaches, even though everyone who's been cityleader will know there are a lot of those. Instead, I'd just like to say that even if you don't agree with your leader's decision, they put in a lot of work behind the scenes to make your organisation a better place, and they're people just like you. It's not an easy job to be the figurehead of a city, where everything that goes wrong, every angry person (citizen or otherwise!), every complaint,.... all ends up with that person. Keep that in mind and remember that constructive criticism is far likely to be better received than an aggressive complaint!
I had a great time as Speaker of Eleusis. The chance to have a lasting, meaningful impact on an entire faction was amazing, and I'd like to think I did far more good than bad. I'm glad I could step down on good terms, of my own choosing, letting me carry on as a Villager, and hopefully I'll find my spark again to flesh out more RP and conflict for Eleusis and the Scions. Thanks to everyone who's wished me well after I announced my retirement! It was very heartwarming to hear all those good things. It's very sad, but you rarely hear them before you step down, making it easy to feel weighed down by all the disgruntled and at times plain hate. So, give your leaders some love from time to time! I'm sure they'll appreciate it!