Spec Question

Greetings, I'm interested in potentially moving into combat in the somewhat near future. I've currently just been walking around and killing everything that moves so far. What specs should I be looking at? I've heard the dual blunt is really op at the moment, but I'm really not interested in it. I'm more looking at choosing between dual cutting and sword and shield. 

As it stands, I'm only asking this for combat purposes. I really don't care about grinding out xp, as I can do that gradually over time. I also won't be able to purchase any artifacts anytime soon, likely. I'm currently a Troll and spec'd for strength, so I have 16 strength and 12 con.


  • AustereAustere Tennessee
    edited December 2015
    I always vote SnB for knight specs, even though I would probably go dwc.  I never got to play with old knight, so I would want to start there, but I would probably end up SnB after I got frustrated with parry bypassing 

    Dual blunt is pretty op with arties.  Without, I have no clue. I am sure some people can tank it, but even at 14 str with level 3s, Kellonius scared me. 

     SnB is nice having a level 1, since you can beat salve balance, but I don't know how required it is. After level 1, sword levels just mean you can hold a stronger shield without losing speed. Pretty sure it's capped at like 1.9. 

    Dwc, you definitely need to beat salve balance, again no clue what their speed is like, but I heard it was pretty meh without arties. 

    All this is just observation on my part. Don't play a knight and never have.  Surely someone else can answer better. 
  • Unartied I'd probably go sword and shield, there seems to be a lot less reliance on weapon stats to fit attacks within restoration balance.

    You can always ignore targetting entirely and just go for Pithakhan mana drain as DWC but that's probably going to be rough against opponents with good hindering, especially without the speed of artefact scimitars. Also no guarantee that Pithakhan will remain as strong as it currently is forever.
  • What is the highest DPS spec for knights?


    Assuming artefact weapons.
  • KenwayKenway San Francisco
    SnB gets away with a lot more with a lot fewer arties but with said aeties, DwC is definitely stronger.
    Ameroth said:
    What is the highest DPS spec for knights?


    Assuming artefact weapons.
    Believe it's l3 scimitars for both on pure damage per second but l3 bastard sword feels more painful cause you're not sipping as much. Feel free to correct me on this.

    - Limb Counter - Fracture Relapsing -
    "Honestly, I just love that it counts limbs." - Mizik Corten
  • edited April 2017
    Hunting: DWC > 2H > DWB > > > SNB.

    PvP. Really depends on match up. I think DWB tops them but there will be disagreement. 
  • When I was infernal, 2H hunting was much better than DWC... So much better..

    This was unartied though, and I hear artie scimitars add a hell of a lot of speed. This was level 85-92 for reference.
  • Unartied 2H > Unartied DWC for sure. At least at Level 90-92
  • edited April 2017
    Yeh, artied DWC > artied 2H. Tested both on L3.
  • @Dochitha

    Have any testing numbers for lvl1s. Just went runie and trying to figure out if I should stick with snb since I have an SoA or go Dwc and get 2 lvl 1s
  • Renek said:

    Have any testing numbers for lvl1s. Just went runie and trying to figure out if I should stick with snb since I have an SoA or go Dwc and get 2 lvl 1s
    Oh, hunting wise, S&B is the worst, regardless of arties. S&B's hunting is very very bad.
  • Shield smash does less damage then throwing a pebble at them
  • Yeh don't go S&B if you know you are going to be hunting for even 5 mins. I went hunting in S&B with a meteoric longsword / SoA and almost quit Achaea and never return... it's depressing.
  • 2400 credit investment to do less damage than an unartefacted monk. GG.
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

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