Achaealyzer - a stat tracking database. (Mudlet)


  • A database for tracking stats in Achaea.
  • alz.getstats() - returns all trackable stats in one table, much like GMCP does
  • getstats also takes optional parameters.


  • "gold" - returns only the gold statistics.
  • "exp" - returns only the experience statistics.
  • "crits" - returns only the critical hit statistics.
  • "pve" - returns only the pve kill/death table
  • "pvp" - returns only the pvp kill/death/arenakill/arenadeath table.

Here is a typical full output (note that It was made today, so the history simply isn't there)

  pve = {<br>    {<br>      _row_id = 19,<br>      kills = 3,<br>      name = "a common mine labourer",<br>      deaths = 0<br>    },<br>    {<br>      _row_id = 20,<br>      kills = 1,<br>      name = "the mine foreman",<br>      deaths = 0<br>    },<br>    {<br>      _row_id = 21,<br>      kills = 9,<br>      name = "a dwarf sentry",<br>      deaths = 0<br>    },<br>    {<br>      _row_id = 22,<br>      kills = 2,<br>      name = "a dwarf initiate",<br>      deaths = 0<br>    }<br>  },<br>  crits = {<br>    total = {<br>      alltime = 43,<br>      week = 43,<br>      day = 43,<br>      month = 43,<br>      hour = 43,<br>      year = 43<br>    },<br>    critical = {<br>      alltime = 23,<br>      week = 23,<br>      day = 23,<br>      month = 23,<br>      hour = 23,<br>      year = 23<br>    },<br>    crushing = {<br>      alltime = 11,<br>      week = 11,<br>      day = 11,<br>      month = 11,<br>      hour = 11,<br>      year = 11<br>    },<br>    obliterating = {<br>      alltime = 4,<br>      week = 4,<br>      day = 4,<br>      month = 4,<br>      hour = 4,<br>      year = 4<br>    },<br>    wsc = {<br>      alltime = 2,<br>      week = 2,<br>      day = 2,<br>      month = 2,<br>      hour = 2,<br>      year = 2<br>    },<br>    annihilating = {<br>      alltime = 3,<br>      week = 3,<br>      day = 3,<br>      month = 3,<br>      hour = 3,<br>      year = 3<br>    }<br>  },<br>  gold = {<br>    alltime = 1887,<br>    week = 1887,<br>    day = 1887,<br>    month = 1887,<br>    hour = 1887,<br>    year = 1887<br>  },<br>  exp = {<br>    alltime = 0.3,<br>    week = 0.3,<br>    day = 0.3,<br>    month = 0.3,<br>    hour = 0.3,<br>    year = 0.3<br>  },<br>  pvp = {<br>    {<br>      arenadeaths = 1,<br>      kills = 2,<br>      name = "Elawien",<br>      arenakills = 1,<br>      _row_id = 5,<br>      deaths = 0<br>    }<br>  }<br>}{

The database file is in your mudlet profile folder and can be easily moved between profiles.


(Ensure you move the Achaealyzer trigger folder near the top above any gags you have)


Please provide any feedback or questions! I probably won't get to it today as I actually want to play the game for the rest of the day, but I will at some point!


  • Maybe add a trigger so that when you run STAT STAT, it populates that information into the table.

    So like if I have 2000 PKs and 1000 arena wins, it will parse that info into the database so that the database and STAT STAT aren't different.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Atalkez said:
    Maybe add a trigger so that when you run STAT STAT, it populates that information into the table.

    So like if I have 2000 PKs and 1000 arena wins, it will parse that info into the database so that the database and STAT STAT aren't different.
    I could look into adding a total section to read that data in, but it may ultimately look confusing as the database has it broken down by individual person.

    Perhaps a different section for it? hm
  • Update.

    • function calls were only returning gold tables. fixed.

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