Helpful Mudlet snippets!

edited December 2015 in Tech Support
Hey there!

I figure this might be a good addition for people getting their feet wet. The point is to post a snippet of code that proves helpful to others. Be it alias, trigger, script, etc. Please state whether it's for mudlet or Nexus or otherwise!

I will kick us off.


function isClass(className)
if string.lower(gmcp.Char.Status.class):match(string.lower(className)) == string.lower(className) then
return true
return false


if isClass("runewarden") then
end if isClass("dragon") then

- Easy, non long way to tell what class you are.


  • edited October 2015
    Love the idea.

    A few tips to shorten that one, you can call lower() like you did match(), use find() instead of match(), use type() to check if it returned a number (it returns nil if it doesn't find it) instead of using if statements, then you end up with:
    function isClass(className)
    return type(gmcp.Char.Status.class:lower():find(className:lower())) == "number"
    Current scripts: GoldTracker 1.2, mData 1.1
    Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
  • Trevize said:
    Love the idea.

    A few tips to shorten that one, you can call lower() like you did match(), use find() instead of match(), use type() to check if it returned a number (it returns nil if it doesn't find it) instead of using if statements, then you end up with:
    function isClass(className)
    return type(gmcp.Char.Status.class:lower():find(className:lower())) == "number"
    didn't think you could chain those! awesome.
  • One of my own, something I made goofing off, how to check what health a certain level/con/bracelet combination will give. Mudlet.

      gethealth = function (arg)
        local level = arg.level
        local olevel = 0
        if level > 100 then
          olevel = level - 100
          level = 100
        local con = arg.con
        local bracelets = arg.bracelets or 0
        if level < 1 or level >= 200 then
          return "Invalid character level. Please choose a character level between 1 and 199."
        elseif bracelets < 0 or bracelets > 3 then
          return "Invalid bracelet level. Please choose a bracelet level between 0 and 3."
          return math.floor ((300+level*(3*con+4)+olevel*(3*con-16))*(1+bracelets*0.05))
        end -- if
      end, -- func

    You call it (note the curly braces) like: gethealth {level=101,con=23,bracelets=2}
    Current scripts: GoldTracker 1.2, mData 1.1
    Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
  • function GetRoomExits()

    roomexits = nil

    for i,v in pairs(gmcp.Room.Info.exits) do

    if not roomexits then

    roomexits = string.upper(i)


    roomexits = roomexits..","..string.upper(i)



    roomexits = roomexits or "TRAPPED!"

    roomlabel : setFgColor("white")

    roomlabel:echo("<b>Exits<br>" ..roomexits, nil, "c")


    roomlabel = Geyser.Label:new({name="Room Exits",x="0.5%", y="94%",width="25.5%", height=35,fontSize = 10,})

    roomlabel : setFgColor("white")


    border-image: url(C:/MudletGFX/chat.png);


    registerAnonymousEventHandler("gmcp.Room.Info", "GetRoomExits")

  • Here's a lua iterator that runs through a table's keys alphabetically. Non-client-specific as long as it runs lua.

    sortedpairs = function (tbl)
      local i = 0
      local tmp = {}
      for n in pairs (tbl) do table.insert (tmp, n) end
      table.sort (tmp)
      return function ()
        i = i + 1
        if tmp[i] ~= nil then return tmp[i], tbl[tmp[i]] end
      end -- func
    end -- func

    As an example...

    Given table: t = {b=true,a=true,c=true}
    You use it like so: for k, v in sortedpairs (t) do print (k, v) end
    And the result is:

    a    true    
    b    true    
    c    true

    I use this a lot when displaying output, like my rift.
    Current scripts: GoldTracker 1.2, mData 1.1
    Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
  • edited November 2015
    Does anyone have something for wielding?

    Here is a target herb/mineral highlight that I use:
    function colourHerbs(herb)
    -- cecho(herb)
    if (herb == "aurum flake") or (herb == "piece of kelp") then
    cecho("\n<white:green>[ KELP ][ KELP ]\n")
    targeat:cecho("<white:green>[ KELP ]\n")
    elseif (herb == "lobelia seed") or (herb == "argentum flake") then
    cecho("\n<white:orange>[ LOBELIA ][ LOBELIA ]\n")
    targeat:cecho("<white:orange>[ LOBELIA ]\n")
    elseif (herb == "kola nut") or (herb == "quartz grain") then
    cecho("\n<white:dark_orchid>[ KOLA ][ KOLA ]\n")
    targeat:cecho("<white:dark_orchid>[ KOLA ]\n")
    elseif (herb == "cuprum flake") or (herb == "bellwort flower") then
    cecho("\n<white:gold>[ Bellwort ][ Bellwort ]\n")
    targeat:cecho("<white:gold>[ Bellwort ]\n")
    elseif (herb == "hawthorn berry") or (herb == "calamine crystal") then
    cecho("\n<white:brown>[ Hawthorn ][ Hawthorn ]\n")
    targeat:cecho("<white:brown>[ Hawthorn ]\n")
    elseif (herb == "stannum flake") or (herb == "prickly ash bark") then
    cecho("\n<white:purple>[ ASH ][ ASH ]\n")
    targeat:cecho("<white:purple>[ ASH ]\n")
    elseif (herb == "ginseng root") or (herb == "ferrum flake") then
    cecho("\n<white:blue>[ GINSENG ][ GINSENG ]\n")
    targeat:cecho("<white:blue>[ GINSENG ]\n")
    elseif (herb == "bloodroot leaf") or (herb == "magnesium chip") then
    cecho("\n<white:red>[ BROOT ][ BROOT ]\n")
    targeat:cecho("<white:red>[ BROOT ]\n")
    elseif (herb == "goldenseal root") or (herb == "plumbum flake") then
    cecho("\n<white:yellow>[ GSEAL ][ GSEAL ]\n")
    targeat:cecho("<white:yellow>[ GSEAL ]\n")
    end -- if
    end -- colourHerbs
    Called by a simple trigger for the eat line:
    if matches[2] == target then
    Edit: You can definitely rewrite my code to be better, but I wrote it years ago, and it works =D
  • @Medi If you don't want to use containers (scabbards, belthooks, etc), you don't need a script for wielding (except possibly in retardation?). WIELD <left> <right> will handle unwielding items already in your hands for you. If you do want to use containers, it gets a lot more complicated quite quickly.
  • edited November 2015
    Just a few things that have helped me in my offenses for BM and Serpent
    if matches[2] == "ice" then
    infuse = "infuse ice"
    elseif matches[2] == "void" then
    infuse = "infuse void"
    elseif matches[2] == "fire" then
    infuse = "infuse fire"
    elseif matches[2] == "light" then
    infuse = "infuse lightning"

    if matches[2] == "par" then
    strike = "strike " " neck"
    elseif matches[2] == "ast" then
    strike = "strike " " throat"
    elseif matches[2] == "sli" then
    strike = "strike " " underarm"

    send("setalias lsl " ..infuse.. "/legslash " " left/" ..strike..";queue add eqbal lsl")


    if gmcp.Char.Status.class == "Serpent" then
    local venom = {
    a = "aconite",
    b = "digitalis",
    c = "curare",
    d = "delphinium",
    e = "eurypteria",
    g = "gecko",
    h = "selarnia",
    i = "epseth",
    k = "kalmia",
    l = "larkspur",
    m = "monkshood",
    n = "selarnia",
    o = "voyria",
    p = "prefarar",
    r = "darkshade",
    s = "slike",
    u = "euphorbia",
    v = "vernalius",
    x = "xentio",
    z = "vardrax",
    ven1 = venom[matches[2]]
    ven2 = venom[matches[3]]
    send("dstab " " " ..ven1.. " " ..ven2)

    if gmcp.Char.Status.class == "Serpent" then
    hypnoStep = 1
    if matches[2] == "1" then
    hyp = "hyp1"
    cecho("\n<red>[<blue>Hypnotising " " 1<red>]")
    send("hypnotise "
    elseif matches[2] == "2" then
    hyp = "hyp2"
    cecho("\n<red>[<blue>Hypnotising " " 2<red>]")
    send("hypnotise "
    elseif matches[2] == "3" then
    hyp = "hyp3"
    cecho("\n<red>[<blue>Hypnotising " " 3<red>]")
    send("hypnotise "
    elseif matches[2] == "4" then
    hyp = "hyp4"
    cecho("\n<red>[<blue>Hypnotising " " 4<red>]")
    send("hypnotise "
    elseif matches[2] == "5" then
    hyp = "hyp5"
    cecho("\n<red>[<blue>Hypnotising " " 5<red>]")
    send("hypnotise "
    elseif matches[2] == "6" then
    hyp = "hyp6"
    cecho("\n<red>[<blue>Hypnotising " " 6<red>]")
    send("hypnotise "
    elseif matches[2] == "7" then
    hyp = "hyp7"
    cecho("\n<red>[<blue>Hypnotising " " 7<red>]")
    send("hypnotise "
    elseif matches[2] == "8" then
    hyp = "hyp8"
    cecho("\n<red>[<blue>Hypnotising " " 8<red>]")
    send("hypnotise "
    elseif matches[2] == "9" then
    hyp = "hyp9"
    cecho("\n<red>[<blue>Hypnotising " " 9<red>]")
    send("hypnotise "

    if hyp == "hyp1" then
    hypnoAffs = {
    "clearalias hyp;setalias hyp suggest " " stuff;queue add eqbal hyp",
    elseif hyp == "hyp2" then
    hypnoAffs = {
    "same stuff",
    elseif hyp == "hyp3" then
    hypnoAffs = {
    "same stuff",
    elseif hyp == "hyp4" then
    hypnoAffs = {
    "same stuff",
    elseif hyp == "hyp5" then
    hypnoAffs = {
    "same stuff",
    elseif hyp == "hyp6" then
    hypnoAffs = {
    "same stuff",
    elseif hyp == "hyp7" then
    hypnoAffs = {
    "same stuff",
    elseif hyp == "hyp8" then
    hypnoAffs = {
    "same stuff",
    elseif hyp == "hyp9" then
    hypnoAffs = {
    "same stuff",


    function hypnoStack()

    ^You issue the suggestion, concealing it deep within (\w+)'s mind\.$

    hypnoStep = hypnoStep+1


    cecho("\n<red>[<blue>Suggest Succeeded<red>]")

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • You could massively reduce that hypnosis script, make it easier to add additional hypnosis stacks, and make it more user friendly, by doing something like this:

    -- Script
    hypnoAffs = {
    		"aff1", "aff2", "aff3", "aff4", "aff5"
    	}, -- 1
    		"aff2", "aff6", "aff7"
    	}, -- 2,
    	-- etc.
    function hypnoStack()
    	local list = hypnoAffs[hyp]
    	if list and list[hypnoStep] then
    		sendAll("setalias hyp suggest " .. target .. " " .. list[hypnoStep], "queue add eqbal hyp", false)
    		-- message indicating end of stack or invalid list
    -- Alias
    -- if we're not a Serpent, do nothing
    if gmcp.Char.Status.class ~= "Serpent" then return end
    hypnoStep = 1
    hyp = tonumber(matches[2])
    local affs = hypnoAffs[hyp]
    if affs then
    	cecho("\n[Hypnotising " " with " .. string.concat(affs, ", ") .. ".]")
    	send("hypnotise "
    	-- some kind of error message indicating you've tried to use a list that doesn't exist
    -- Alias
    -- Trigger
    ^You issue the suggestion, concealing it deep within (\w+)'s mind\.$
    hypnoStep = hypnoStep+1
    cecho("\n[Suggest Succeeded]")
    Adding a stack is as simple as adding a new entry into the hypnoAffs table, and it's just a list of affs itself, not the full commands, so it saves on typing (bonus: you can display exactly what it's going to suggest when picking the stack). Added some comments where you'd inform the user that they've tried to do something that won't work, like use a hypno stack they haven't defined or tried to suggest when there's no more suggestions.
  • edited December 2015
    Convert a number into a comma-separated string (ex: 1500000 to 1,500,000).
    function comma (num)
       local subs
       while true do
          num, subs = tostring(num):gsub("^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", "%1,%2")
          if subs == 0 then break end
       return num
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