Make Achaean inns have actual rooms for rent which provide privacy, and with artefact beds included

Hi there,

There are inns in Achaea, be they in a town like the Dancing Boar of Cyrene or out on the road like the Brass Lantern. In a real-life hotel, which is of any real quality, the walls are thick so you can have privacy, and if artefact beds were added, that would get house-like privacy for rent even for those who don't actually own a home or a bed in it.

So basically, make a floor or two in each existing hotel with a couple rooms for rent. Paying the bartender for a room unlocks it for you and reserves it for you for 24 rl hours. Each inn room itself should have the Privacy house upgrade, and there should be a bed in each room for the... uh... EXTRA privacy. For those twenty-four hours, only you can open that door, as if it were a house with your perms letting only you enter. After that, it can be paid for and occupied again. If all the rooms are filled, the innkeep says he or she has no vacancies.

Some people will want a private place to talk, and real life hotels do sometimes serve as a meeting point to talk away from prying ears. And, of course, sometimes you just want to say "get a hotel room, you two," and this would actually do the trick. I really doubt it would decrease house or bed sales; sneaking into a hotel in real life suggests some things, so you probably don't always want to risk being seen going in the hotel. If anything it probably will make people want homes and beds so they  don't need hotels anymore. But regardless of the particulars, I think this will fill a real need in Achaea, and it will definitely up the realism of the game.

Thank you for reading my idea.


  • I actually like this idea. Would make for great RP in the game, especially for those who may want some privacy, but not have a house or ship of their own. Meetings could be really fun. Maybe something can be added to allow Adventurers to "own" an inn, set their own rates for rooms, or food. This is a really cool idea.
    Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool Or a coward
    Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both
    For a wounded man will shall say to his assailant
    "If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven"
    Such is the rule of honor
  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    The inn in Thera sort of works like this (at least as far as being given a room and such.) I'd honestly settle for all other inns having similar functionality, and perhaps having the room momentarily receive the privacy upgrade for an extra fee or something.

    Can't really see them adding artie beds, though. Hell, people have been asking for normal, furniture beds for a while and we've been denied even that.

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • I like the idea myself. This would however severely devalue the rooms, beds, pillows and whatever other mudsex friendly items richer folk have purchased. The only way this might work would be to make the rooms cost a significant amount to use. Although that would probably still end up excluding the less wealthy mudsex goers that need this the most.

  • Disagree. For the reasons given by Shadizar and because privacy is not terribly difficult to achieve even for a low level character if some effort is put into it. Spying on private conversations is also a big part of the game for some classes. Espionage is every bit as valid as thievery and piracy.

    When you get right down to it, a lot of gold and credit sinks on the game have to do with privacy.
  • You could set up a player owned inn in an out of subs plot. Do similar to what Bluef has done with the Tharosian estates, and leave the outside open, or give the person permission to enter the main door while they're a guest, then upgrade your rooms, and charge accordingly to rent.

    While it's prohibitively expensive, or unobtainable for most of us, there's a few people out there who could pull it off if they wanted.

  • While I like the idea of putting the inns to actual use, as Anaria said, privacy is already relatively easy to come by once you are in a position to need it. Cities and Houses often have special private rooms already for those who require a meeting room, accessible to at least some of their members. Also, it is not terribly cost prohibitive to buy a plot and a one-room house if you require a room of your own in many of the cities. Yes, this makes it more difficult for rogues, but to be honest, I still strongly favour giving organisational members such advantages as it counters the additional responsibilities and requirements placed upon them. 

    I think something like renting a room for a "day" (in other words, one hour), without any privacy advantages, would be feasible and add some interactive realism without necessarily taking away from the various artefacts and gold sinks already in place for privacy.

    "Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to? You will never find that [everlasting] life for which you are looking. When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things; day and night, night and day, dance and be merry, feast and rejoice. Let your clothes be fresh, bathe yourself in water, cherish the little child that holds your hand, and make your wife happy in your embrace; for this too is the lot of man." 

  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    few mudsex alts are gonna fork out the rent for a privacy room when they have nothing to lose, not even reputation for flashing their nasties outside Minia for free.

  • Why not, for rentable rooms in city and village inns.

    No for beds in said inns. Just like sneaking off in your girlfriend's car when you were younger to find a parking lot to awkwardly fumble around in, you can have real privacy when there's nobody around or if you can afford it when you're older.

  • SarienoSarieno Spokane, WA
    Trey said:
    Why not, for rentable rooms in city and village inns.

    No for beds in said inns. Just like sneaking off in your girlfriend's car when you were younger to find a parking lot to awkwardly fumble around in, you can have real privacy when there's nobody around or if you can afford it when you're older.
    Ahh, good times.

    I think this would be viable - and good roleplay reasoning - if you had to rent a room in order to find a safe place to sleep. Perhaps going to sleep should make it easier for you to be pickpocketed (skyrim pickpocketing mechanics, anyone?) so the onus would be on the player to find suitable housing or safe places to sleep.

    twitter - @spacemanreno
  • As long as it logs the encounters of anyone in bed with a siren and auto posts them on pastebin 

  • As long as it logs the encounters of anyone in bed with a siren and auto posts them on pastebin 
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