As evidenced by my recent thread about the state of sentinel, I'm a little less than confident about sent as a class after the rework. That said, the thread did alleviate some of my worries, so at least I'm not eager to ditch the class. Sylvan is looking really interesting after talking to some people in game, though, so I was wondering if it'd be worth the switch (or multi-classing it).
From a quick glance at the weatherweaving/propagation ability lists, it seems like sylvan has a lot a more affliction power and flexibility than sentinel. The actual affs/second are probably not quite as good, but they can pair all the important things from what it looks like. The damage route for both classes seem decent, but sylvan seems like it has a lot higher/harder to mitigate damage, and apparently it scales off afflictions given, which is a lot stronger than just the single broken limb condition. They also seem to have much better group combat with lightning for LoS and similar roles when in melee.
That said, I would miss sent's absurd mobility, hide/stealth, and traps. I'm also pretty certain sent's probably superior at 1v1 ganking people which is a good part of what I like to do, though since marks apparently don't get a whole lot of contracts anymore I'm not sure how useful that is.
If I multi-class sylvan, I'll have JUST enough to tri-trans it if I buy the lesson/cheap 300 credit package. That leaves me with no room to really learn riding, and I'm not sure how willpower-intensive sylvan still is, so no room for philosophy.
If I just switch class to sylvan outright, I've got enough left over to get at least mountjump and some philosophy without even spending a penny. Of course, then I only have one class which is its own con, but only if sylvan can't really satisfy me all on its own.
Either way I'm also left with the question of race. I don't want Kiet to be a frog so that leaves tsol'aa with its bad con. Why is siren so good stat-wise but locked off? I guess if I multi-class, or maybe even if not, I can just go human for sylvan. For sent single-class I'd maybe go troll, but xoran would be more multi-class friendly I guess. Not keen on a lizard either. I'm not sure how valuable that last point of int/str will be. If I remember right, viridian gives + 2 int, so maybe that extra int won't make as much of a difference there whereas sent has no help with str.
tldr: For a mixture of group and 1v1 and hunting people, what are people's thoughts on sylvan vs sentinel? I want the class that allows for the most flexibility and creativity and ability to outplay the opponent(s) in the end, and the one that's most solid at a base level. Classes can get tweaked but the base mechanics rarely change, so I'm also considering which is more viable and deeper despite possible nerfs/buffs. Should I just bite the bullet and multi-class?
Sylvan is much more solid 1v1 than Sentinel and much more intuitive, but in groups I'd rather be or have Sentinel (outside of non-adjacent LoS in which case Sylvan is godlike). When it comes to ganking Sylvan is pretty shitty if the target doesn't want to fight you, but most classes are. Wildgrowth is alright and you have great paralysis spam and kill times but Arcane Power mechanics are absolutely terrible for chasing people. You will miss Evasion and hide and traps but Sylvan is a very fun, polished, and versatile class that you shouldn't regret switching to. It's also totally new to you which is a great segue into having a lot of fun
Viridian is +2 int and +2con, it's awesome since you will want to minmax intelligence entirely for obscene damage. Diadem is awesome if you have one too, opens up a lot of options.
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I have no idea how Sent works anymore. Every time I start to learn about them, they overhaul the class. It's nearly a running joke for me at this point.
What's sylvan willpower drain like these days? Do I need like trans philosophy + circlet + megalith or is it manageable?
A few things of note:
- Sylvan arcane power tends to fluctuate very heavily for a lot of the tactics. I.e. its fairly easy to build/burn it very quickly, rather than say, fashions where it is build/build/build/execute (although that is also doable if so inclined).
- Sylvan is intended to be a better duelling class, but sentinel is a better jumping/aggressive utility class.