I have some thoughts on monk PvP combat, and my favorite fighting instructor
@Thelxiepeia hasn't been able to talk to me for a while, so I thought I'd post this here! The document ended up being pretty long, so I wrote it in a google doc. If anyone wants to see it and doesn't have google docs, message me and I can send you a copy!
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Mind command requires them to not be deaf, no? I don't see how you're going to get that many (if any) commands in.
Also when did monk start being able to chain all of telepathy with combos? Did I miss a change?
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
By default, people (mainly people using svof) will cure their broken head before anything else, because of scythe. You can use this to your advantage to basically choose a kill method based on what they're curing.
Basically, if they prioritize head cure, you prep legs like normal, WWK once during your prep, and then land the sweep leg break followed by an axekick. The axekick will mangle the head and they'll have broken legs, so you can keep axekicking them with uppercuts while they continuously apply to head and never cure their legs for an easy damage out.
If they prioritize legs, it's even easier. Prep the legs and whirlwind kick the head once like before, but this time, once you have the prep, mind lock them and hit em with blackout. They'll most likely tree it the first time, that's the point. Once you see them tree the blackout, sweep leg break. Then, blackout again, followed by mind batter and finally AXK with PMP (palmstrike) and BLP (bladehand). On top of whatever they still have from the mind batter (which blackout hides), they'll have a mangled head, stupidity concussion, impatience, and dizziness from that combo alone. These 3, along with the stupidity, epilepsy and dizziness that batter inflicted will probably have them with at least 2 mental afflictions. Now, the final step is to pay attention to their curing. If they do NOT apply anything to head (they probably won't if they started curing legs, since they'll most likely be off salve balance at the time) on your next balance recovery, you can most likely kill them with Scythe. If they managed to cure through all those mental afflictions, OR they cured their head (and you NEED to pay attention to if they cure head), keep axekicking them. However concussion, dizziness and stupidity all together make it very difficult to cure quickly.
That's my two cents at least. Try it out.
This is why Monk is retarded atm. All it takes is a single WWK to prep for axk mangle. It's ridiculous. I can basically start a fight with WWK/HFP/HFP to prep mangle AND check for parry, and that accelerates the speed of the prep by at least a whole combo.