I find myself unable to decide between these too classes. I am an atavian.
Could you all please explain perhaps some of the intricacies and deeper decisions of these classes. I have no points spent in them, and I want to keep it that way until I decide.
So any explanation of the classes would be nice.
For jester, I was thinking primarily using tarot with the jester skills and flying used to get in and out of places quickly.
For apostate, hovering around, using summoned daggers to tears things to pieces.
I am not sure what exactly I want to do, but pking for the sake of a yet undecided faction does sound nice, or perhaps some politics.
Party right, party hard,
Sing and dance, perfect bard.
Prefarar loop, accentato whore,Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.
As for both, I have to say pick the one you find coolest. I've always been attracted to Apostate for the demons and evileye, but you sort of have to ride on Mhaldor's back there or you won't do well. So I haven't done it.
Combat-wise, both are 1v1 classes, both useful in raids in very narrow capacities (beckon/fury or bombs/tarot).
If you understand afflictions and locking already, Apostate is a safe bet, but you'll want to get a decent auto-offense set up to have any hope. I've heard some consider it a broken class, but it's still a really cool one, and rare.
Jester is my class. Also really rare, partly due to lots of broken things functionally, the expense, and the fact that fashion-fashion-fashion-fashion-fashion-SLOWLOCK gets boring and most people don't want to innovate enough to find ways around it, most of which require luck and timing anyway.
For roleplay and reliable combat, probably pick Apostate.
For utility, innovation, and a lot of fun, you can't beat Jester.
Apostate is extremely powerful one v one (has an answer to most situations). Its somewhat hard as a beginner class since you need to react to the person's curing pretty quickly, but you'll learn a lot as one as well. Its one of the best raid/group combat classes, and has the nice benefit of being pretty tanky. It is tied to Mhaldor: playing an Ashtani apostate (and I suspect a Hashani one) is an enormous headache and usually still will end up in an anathema, so its best to assume its not viable.
Jester is pretty trick based for most people (although the standard concussion slowlock is fairly straight forward). Its also not a class I'd ever recommend just because your defence does have to be pretty good to do well as one (jester has no damage mitigation if they can't dodge, which means you have to actively hinder and such). That's an extra thing to worry about for a beginner, and coupled with jesters lack of clearly defined kill conditions a person starting out would probably get frustrated quickly with the combat. Jester can join anyone is its only plus over apostate, I would say.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
As far as roleplay, there's an inherent amount of silliness in some of the abilities (primarily those in the Pranks skill), but I don't see why you couldn't at least attempt to roleplay a somewhat serious jester - part of that roleplay may be not using those abilities though.
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One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
The rare instance when you want to jab instead of using 1.0s to juggle and then throw. Plus jab is 99% accurate. But in general it doesn't matter which. However when I get daggers forged I only keep the ones with 174+ to-hit and they serve me against all but the most dodgy, which you don't see much of anyway.