Checking out this here game and was reading the website. They gave an example of a Monk class getting 109 skills/spells/etc! That is a lot and I have never seen such a number before!
Do all classes get 100+ abilities/etc?
How do you play a class with so many choices and everything?
If someone could explain this to me that would be most helpful in choosing a class and better understanding what to play!
In most cases, the abilities have a specific use or work together.
Passive: Passive abilities are always-on. Not really much to say here.
Defences: some you cast once and you get a defense of certain types. Others you cast to cure yourself of something.
Hunting (pve): if there are multiples, they are usually meant to replace each other as you go further. Magi, for example. They start with stonefist, you learn firelash early, then get staffcast. One you get firelash you won't use stonefist, and once you get staffcast you won't use firelash. There are some odd ones such as, using magi again, stormhammer - you won't use that often, but it may be useful sometimes.
Utility/Travel: some classes (monk and blademaster being good examples) that don't have a ton of utility or travel. others, such as occultist, have quite a few. You use them when they're useful.
Combat (pve): in most cases, most abilities are made for combat. Damage, afflictions, hindering, limb damage, etc. You actually learn pretty quickly how these work together when you start fighting.
Trade skills: these aren't class-specific any more, but the abilities here are used for that trade. Tailoring, for example.
General skills: Everyone gets the same general skills. They have abilities that fall in the same groupings as above, mostly, but you get them regardless of class. Vision, Survival, Tattoos, etc.
Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
Many thanks for the reply.
Most useful! During combat...how many abilities on average you normally use? I know there are many classes, so just looking for general amounts, ie: 5-10.
Can you simply use the same ability over and over again or is there a chaining/combo/cool down system for best results? Realize again, this varies on class, I'm sure, so again just looking for general infos to get an idea on how classes handle here
For hunting, you'll use only the strongest one, and 2-5 for battlerage.
For defences, you'll probably put them all up, varies based on class so could be zero and could be several!
For combat, you'll use many of your skills. Some combat abilities are staples - you'll use them more than anything else - but most of the rest are situational. Some are useless, but that number is less than in previous years.
Rest assured that, aside from combat, it's not that complicated. PVP gets really intense at the top levels, but even lower level/group combat you could rely on just a few and do ok.
Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
This was such an informative post, it really painted a clear picture. The depth offered here seems to be a lot and that is very appealing. This reminds me of the card game: Magic. Many possibilities, many results. Some cards useful for only certain situations, etc.
What is a good class, you suggest, to try for a New Player. I made an Apostate, I believe, it was. Seemed interesting. Is there an elemental magic user class?
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Looked over the classes and abilities. Seems many of them are PVP only?
Typically, for MUDs, I enjoy playing PVE(FPS games are my PVP fix
Also, what other IRE games that is like Achaea depth/complexity but focuses more on PVE?
Many thanks folks!
Outside of the battlerage afflictions (you can see HELP BATTLERAGE for details), direct damage is typically the only thing you can do to denizens. That's not to say there's no strategy involved in PvE, the strategy just doesn't really involve choosing how to attack.
Most of your non-attack abilities (travel/utility/defensive/support/buffing abilities) are still useful outside of PvP.
When you die, you lose a small amount of experience (if you're not very good at earning experience and you're around level 75-85 though, or if you die repeatedly, the loss might not be so small), and if you're carrying any gold that's not in a container, you'll drop it (along with any items that drop on logout, like quest items and riftable items that aren't in the rift). If you don't have some form of resurrection available (usually that will require the assistance of a living person), it will take a couple minutes to come back to life. Typically, a single death isn't a big deal, but multiple deaths (which could be pretty likely if you're involved in PvP a lot) can add up to quite a bit of lost time.
There are ways to participate in PvP without much risk of experience loss though; when defending your city against a sanctioned raid, you won't lose any experience from death, and if you fight in the arena (whether it's a duel or an event like a free-for-all or rampage) you won't actually die, unless you specifically choose a duel to the death. World games/events (like CTFs, egghunts, foozles, etc.) often disable experience loss for participants as well.