So, anyone going to Burning Man this year?
I ask this every year, and damn it, some year it's going to happen and there will be an Achaea meet on the playa. It'll make me inordinately happy to combine these two very important parts of my life.
Here's a video I made of 2014:

Someone who is more talented than I, using an excellent, inspiring commencement speech from Jim Carrey:
Next up is deciding what you'll stay in while there. Main options are tent, hexayurt, or RV, though there are also other options like a storage container that has ventilation or aircon. I've stayed in both tent and RV, and have helped build a number of hexayurts. I was in a tent last year and will be tenting it again this year (because the RV is just too damn expensive, though it is unquestionably comfier). Here's a page on tents:
Then there's the packing prep. Gotta bring everything with you that you need except ice, including drinking water. Here are a couple potential packing lists.
Check out the whole site actually. It's got a lot of info aimed at first-timers, from what to expect to a fairly elaborate history of the event.
You'll also want to read the official survival guide, which appears to be down currently:
I typically arrive either the day the gates open or the day before if I'm helping to build or organizing a project out there, and then leave either Saturday night before the Man burns (to avoid exit traffic, which can be brutal) or early the next morning.
Without knowing any details of 2016, I can pretty much guarantee I'll be there all week.
Give me a shout if you want tickets for 2016, I'll be quite close to first in the queue when they go on sale.