Shaman Swiftcurse Speed?

I have nimble. According to the files, curses are at 2.2s balance. With Swiftcurse, it goes down to 1.1s. With Nimble, it becomes 0.99s.

Therefore, Swiftcurse + Nimble is 0.99s?

I have been reading that people are able to swiftcurse at 0.8s balance? I've been testing but due to latency I can't get this figured out...

What is the correct speed more like?

Best Answers

  • BluefBluef Delos
    Accepted Answer
    It varies depending on lag and whatnot. But generally with swiftcurse + nimble you'll see swiftcursing speed at a little less than a full second.
  • Accepted Answer
    A lot of people in Achaea think we swiftcurse at less than 1 second. But it average out to 1 second per swiftcurse.
  • Accepted Answer
    So just to come back to this, I'm almost completely sure a nimble swiftcursed bleed is .99s

    If you look at the serverside defense message for swiftcurse, it confirms that it's supposed to halve the balance recovery time.

    So it's 2.2*.9*.5 = .99


  • Thanks for the answers from 2 of the most well played Shamans @Amranu @Bluef .
  • Balance times in AB files is a relatively new thing, so a lot of the numbers you'll see posted are estimates based on people using the abilities and averaging out balance recovery times they saw on their end, which isn't necessarily that accurate.
  • Antonius said:
    Balance times in AB files is a relatively new thing, so a lot of the numbers you'll see posted are estimates based on people using the abilities and averaging out balance recovery times they saw on their end, which isn't necessarily that accurate.
    It also only shows the base balance cost, so it won't tell you exactly how much swiftcurse reduces it.
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