At times I want to test some combat stuffs but couldn't get interested party into Arena. It could be dumb, but I'd love to suggest:
Beating Bags for Cities and Houses, or even...hanging in our house in subdivision, for a price of course. a personal Artefact?
By engaging with the bag, you can unleash any attacks you like on it and it will attempt to cure based on the current server-side curing "Bag" is a bad name I know, need a more creative one.
Advanced options are configurable curing priorities on the bag and other combat related should not be called a "bag", but I hope you get the idea...
I'm always up for being a pin cushion in the arena for testing things when I'm logged in. I'm still sort of tanky and don't mind standing around while my curing does its thing.
I loved monk bashing because I practiced my combos on denizens just to get muscle memory of limb-setups.