I created a script, put all the venoms into an associative array (or dictionary or oject). That way I can get the long name. And then I just put it all together and send it.
This looks like it was coded for Godzilla/Svo, so you won't have most of the variables. I don't know Javascript, so here is a simpler version of what the alias sends in lua. Just make sure you define the table somewhere.
send("queue add bal wield dirk shield") send("queue add bal dstab "..target.." "..venomShort[matches[2]].." "..venomShort[matches[3]])
I wrote it out on the phone, so forgive any errors.
//Enter the script here venomShort={ su = "sumac", xe = "xentio", ol = "oleander", er = "eurypteria", ka ="kalmia", di = "digitalis", da = "darkshade", cu = "curare", et = "epteth", pr = "prefarar", mo = "monkshood", ef = "euphorbia", co = "colocasia", oc = "oculus", ca = "camus", ve = "vernalius", es = "epseth", la = "larkspur", sl = "slike", vo = "voyria", de = "delphinium", no = "notechis", va = "vardrax", lo = "loki", ac = "aconite", se = "selarnia", ge = "gecko", sc = "scytherus", ne = "nechamandra"} print(venomShort, "red"); dsvenom1=venomShort[@1] dsvenom2=venomShort[@2]
However, it just sends:
Error in alias script [DstabTest]: SyntaxError: Unexpected token =
I changed the script and added a command instead, still does not work as intended, instead it tries DSTABBING with the short for a venom (e.g. kalmia).
I wrote it out on the phone, so forgive any errors.
How to define it in Javascript, if I get that, I'm sure I could work it out on my own.
Still needing an answer in Javascript.
su = "sumac",
xe = "xentio",
ol = "oleander",
er = "eurypteria",
ka ="kalmia",
di = "digitalis",
da = "darkshade",
cu = "curare",
et = "epteth",
pr = "prefarar",
mo = "monkshood",
ef = "euphorbia",
co = "colocasia",
oc = "oculus",
ca = "camus",
ve = "vernalius",
es = "epseth",
la = "larkspur",
sl = "slike",
vo = "voyria",
de = "delphinium",
no = "notechis",
va = "vardrax",
lo = "loki",
ac = "aconite",
se = "selarnia",
ge = "gecko",
sc = "scytherus",
ne = "nechamandra"}
print(venomShort, "red");
However, it just sends:
Error in alias script [DstabTest]:
SyntaxError: Unexpected token =
back at me, how should I proceed?
if I added it at the end of the script?
//Enter the script here
GMCP documentation: https://github.com/keneanung/GMCPAdditions
svof github site: https://github.com/svof/svof and documentation at https://svof.github.io/svof