So, jesters have the instakill jack-in-the-box, which actually does take some time to wind and all, giving people the chance to easily just hit jesters with something and run off until it is done. Now, I would think that Jesters use some sort of paralysis/binding thing to keep them in the room.
1: With Tarot, you have the Hangedman card to wrap people in bindings. Is it possible to only have to get the hangedman off on an opponent and have enough time to wind the box? Or will they mostly get out in time?
2: If you have Puppetry, is it possible to fashion a puppet enough to use Binding in the middle of possibly a skirmish/raid or even 1v1? And with Binding, same question with Hangedman, will it last long enough?
3: If either don't last long enough, can you use both to increase the time?
4: Are there any other strategies to keep people hindered or something as to be able to use Jack, or it just timing with the card and/or puppetry?
That is the only instakill I do know about, do please give info on others if you can, thankee!!
Edit: I did just now found out about the Death card. Same questions as with the box, so I don't have to make this any bigger post.
''Dude, I want a horse so bad.....''
''Mhaldorians don't say 'dude'.''
''Oh.... I still want that horse.''
Achaean combat generally attempts to be balanced by forcing an opponent into optimal curing. Optimal curing often requires a change in your offensive momentum so it can become a game of when to push and when to turtle. There can be quite a few ways to satisfy a possible win condition for a jester. If immobility is the win condition for your kill method it is important to point out that there are many forms if immobility that may work on an opponent not limited to broken limbs, equilibrium loss, bindings, and room conditions. These are not the only tools in your bag but are merely stated to get you to think out of the binding (hangedman, web tattoo, puppetry bind) box.