GIF in a signature?

I want to put the follow GIF image,, in my signature. <IMG>URL</IMG> didn't work for me. How do I put it in the sig.?

''Dude, I want a horse so bad.....''
''Mhaldorians don't say 'dude'.''
''Oh.... I still want that horse.''

Best Answer


  • edited April 2015
    Go to Signature Settings and use the </> button to toggle HTML view. Use HTML to embed the image:

    <img src="">

    o shit we breakin rules here boys, peel off!
  • Well, darn!

    ''Dude, I want a horse so bad.....''
    ''Mhaldorians don't say 'dude'.''
    ''Oh.... I still want that horse.''
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