Distance limited abilities

I am assuming for instances such as these, there is a room limit for how far your opponent can be from you to start the ability? That doesn't really make sense to me saying there are quite a few quick teleportation methods in the game that could make them arrive in just a moment or two. 


Also @Dortheron I'd never actually hurt you, just saw your name <3 


  • bug

    extra text


  • I thought this was going to be a worldwide displace log, disappointed.
  • Possibly may require them being one room away like cleave (?)
  • @Kygo LIES, you would totally crush my skull given the chance

    ...not that I blame your desire to >.>

    I think the idea is that they are only a few rooms (1-3 max) away for 1v1 or raiding. Blunt equilivent to Cleave
    You know, that one thing at that one place, with that one person.

    Yea, that one!
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