Highlight/Check Allies, Citizens, Members, and Enemies

I have been looking for some extra utility things to add to WunderSys and the main other thing I have heard about was a name highlighter off hand. 

What I found was an older script and used it to get some more use out of it. The original script I utilized for the idea is from thePhoenix link: http://wiki.mudlet.org/w/Enemy_Highlighter

If you are interested, you can download the script Here and follow along with the instructions of how to set it up and what this all does.

How this works

This script will mainly do a temp table and add to it from the triggers of the enemies / citizens / order / house lists as well as the allies table that you will have to
manage that one yourself (I do not personally like adding a ton of allies so that's why I went this route).

From these it will create temporary triggers with the name colors on them. 
So this will mean the order that you do a list highlight will be the difference of how some names come up at the end, so sometimes formatting one of the lists might help.

** Issues **
The main issue with this way of  highlighting names is if you have anything else that does any sort of pushing or adding text to a block of text (Rune identifiers in a room with a person with a highlighted name in it or some other form text addition to a room desc/items for example) will push the highlighting around.
I ended up putting everything else to the end of the lines that would cause this issue to get around it, but I figured I would share this so it is not a surprise if something looks funny. 

Settings - Scripts

In the "allies List" script file, uncomment and fill out the allies list

(a few examples are there at the moment).

Settings - Triggers

For the Triggers you will want to look into each of these trigger sets and set up the name and color (I am making you dig a little bit for it).

EnemiesOf > EnemyList
In the enemyColorTable portion there will be instructions of how to setup the trigger, mainly pick the color/format and make sure the name in the brackets follows this format: Enemies of (.+):$

CitizensOf > CitizenList
In the citizenColorTable portion there will be instructions of how to setup the trigger, mainly pick the color/format and make sure the name in the brackets follows this format: The following are ACTIVE citizens of (.+):

OrderMembers > Skip (order members) > OrderMemberCapture
Look for the temp trigger with the colorAll function and edit the colors / setup how you would like. Function details explained below.

HouseMembers > Member
Look for the temp trigger with the colorAll function and edit the colors / setup how you would like. Function details explained below.

Settings - Aliases


Look for the temp trigger with the colorAll function and edit the colors / setup how you would like. Function details explained below.

Aliases (Change the names as you see fit)

enhi (Place Enemies) - Examples: enhi city enemies / enhi order enemies

orhi - Highlights Members of your order

cihi - Highlights Citizens

hohi - Highlights House Members

himyallies - Highlights the names listed in the allies list that was setup above.


colorAll(word, color, back, italic, under, bold, noCase) - This colors / formats the word placed into it, use with a temp trigger / trigger 
Example: colorAll("Bob","Blue", false, false, false, false, false)

isEnemy(person, place) - Checks the enemy lists (by the name of the full place) and returns true/false for a name.
Example 1: isEnemy("Bob","the Divine Order of Phaestus, the Smith") ** For Order Enemy Check
Example 2: isEnemy("Bob","the City of Cyrene") ** For City Enemy Check

isCitizen(person, place) - Checks the citizen list for a name and returns true/false.
Example: isCitizen("Bob") ** Don't really need the place clause here.

isMyAlly(person) - References the allies list created to see if a name exists in it, returns true/false. 
Example: isMyAlly("Bob")

If you are still interested after this huge explanation of how to use it, again you can download the script Here.

I hope this helps out!

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