OK, so, ages ago I made an Alchemist. It was fun for a while, but Asphel was mostly forgotten about until a friend of mine mentioned changes in Achaea. And I was like "Oh yeah, Achaea's a thing." I actually had to leaf through some of my old stuff to remember Asphel's name.
So I resurrected him and, upon looking at my departure notes, remembered that I'm basically trying to grind up money for credits to trans things.
What I was originally doing was tearing up Manara burrow while stopping to smell the roses (as well as the prime-extracting acids or whatever they are), and then trying to sell off those primes.
But now that I can't do that (THE BIG CHANGE) I've been trying to think of how to make cash as an Alchemist. I really don't know much else to do besides clear out Actar/Ulangi/Xhaiden, rinse and repeat.
Lastly, here's what I'm working with:
http://pastebin.com/QSwZfcyeI was able to get to such a high level because I had an Achaean friend of mine coaching me (but we've since parted ways), so I still feel like basically a newbie at heart. Go here, draw triangles until things stop killing you, go elsewhere...