So, was just thinking about some board games after doing something in game, anyone got any card/board games they'd suggest?
Kittens in a Blender
Great game to play if you like going through Cold War scenarios with your friends, first one to blend their buddies cats usually gets dog piled.
Slash: Romance without Boundries
A CaH type game where you have to find the best match for the revealed person, pretty much has all fandoms covered, and hooking Egon Spangler up with the Monolith from 2001:Space Odyssey won me a round.
Aye Dark Overlord
Fun game if you're drunk with a bunch of geeks, like hot potato of pass the buck.
- Resistance (it's a mafia type vibe)
- Munchkin Quest (it's like DnD lite)
- Last Night On Earth (this game may incite rage)
- Dixit
Arkham horror is super fun and really hard.
Pandemic is fun, if hard to win.
Lords of water deep is good.
Shadows over Camelot takes a long time to play but can be fun.
Hmm, let's see, what else: panic station is a good bug hunting game. Love letter is good for a quick card game, forbidden island and forbidden desert are pretty cool. Coup, a fast card game based in the resistance universe. One night werewolf is another fun one.
Lately I've been going to a board game meet up every week where we play different games, much fun.
Betrayal at House on the Hill is fun. The story is that you and your friends decided to check out this empty house on the hill, professing curiosity to what was within.. Only you realize that after entering the house, one of your friends is actually a monster. You don't know who, until he reveals himself. The monster has his own set of rules to win the game, while the rest are then tasked to get everyone out alive or kill the monster to win the game.
Smallworld is fun. A little bit like playing Risk but in a fantasy setting.
Gloom is a storytelling card game of sorts. The way to win the game is to have your characters die a very miserable death. The individual who has accumulated the most negative points (unhappy points) wins the game.
7 wonders is a nice strategy game/deck card game. You get a starting board which tells you which civilisation you're going to be in charge of. The aim of the game is to see your wonder built, and for that you need gold, structures, supplies and also an army to protect your kingdom in case one of your envious friend neighbour decides to invade and steal your supplies. First person to finish their wonder wins.
There's also Boardgame Online. AKA the best game ever.
We've been playing Betrayal at House on the Hill recently. In theory it looks awesome, in practice we've struggled to get into it.
How has Settlers of Catan not been mentioned?! It's great socially, because it is really easy to get into it, but has a very high skill cap.
It's great fun but seriously takes a whole day to do one game.
The Duke is far and away my favourite two-player board game. It's like chess, but strategy is very different. All of the pieces are themed (wizards can jump around a lot, archers have a lot of vertical range), every piece has two sets of potential moves (one printed on each side) and you flip the piece's tile over every time you move it, every turn you have to choose between moving (and flipping) one of your tiles and grabbing a random tile from your bag and placing it next to your duke (crowding your duke and making it easier to be checkmated), and it has some unique move types like one that can attack a square without moving into it, which means that perfect defensive setups can actually be penetrated in ways other than sacrificing pieces. There's just enough randomness and chaos to the game that it feels like every game is a new strategic puzzle (which is not how I feel about chess (admittedly I'm terrible at chess)), but it's never so much that it feels like you couldn't have won if you had been more calculating.
I also played Tokaido this weekend, which turned out to be really fun. An absolutely beautiful game too.
If you dig the storytelling type of games (like Gloom, which is awesome), Lunch Money is fun. Super easy to pick up and play, relatively quick, and involves smack-talking from the perspective of school girls beating the snot out of one another for lunch money.
Galaxy Trucker is ridiculous amounts of fun, but a fair amount of set up. Space truckers cobble together rickety ships to travel through some of the scariest, most volatile parts of space to deliver goods and people to remote colonies. If you -survive-, each round you earn money and get a bigger ship. At the end of the game, most money wins. Play if you are fine with watching things you carefully built explode violently.
I'm a huge fan of Arkham Horror, but it was my first nerd board game. It takes a bit longer and, essentially, the board is trying to eat you by way of grumbling Elder Gods. It has a fairly good success rate at that, also.
Last Night on Earth is a good zombies-are-going-to-eat-you game. It is also super easy to pick up, takes about an hour, and it has a looot of replay-ability because there are a number of different scenarios you can pick.
Kachina is a pretty, straight forward 2 player. Builds almost like a scrabble board (in rows and columns) and uses powers to 'claim' lines for points. Easy to each and a quick play.
I also dig Netrunner. Cooperation vs hacker 2 player deck-builder in a box. I am not a fan of MtG because of the constant need to acquire more cards to play it. I dig Netrunner because I buy the box and I'm good to go. Steeper learning curve, but fun once you get the hang of it.
Carcassone is a really simple game that is great over and over and never turns out the same twice.
Dominion is a card game but it is still pretty fun and swift paced.
Cosmic Encounter was a really enjoyable and a little longer sci-fi board game too.
As for boardgames, Kragmortha is always amusing and my friends and I recently tried a game called Gauntlet of Fools. It's a game where you bid on heroes by nerfing them to the ground and then encounter monster after monster until you all die horribly. Richest corpse wins.
Would you like to try one? I have a pdf of evil baby orphanage I can give you to print out?
The guy behind Aeyr and I used to play Carcassonne against each other for money. Usually it'd be a dollar per point of difference between the winner and the loser, but we almost always came in close so the amounts were small. One night we decided to triple it to $3/point and I got blown out by 101 points. That was an expensive board game.
Also... It's not lots of dominion expansions... It's all of them. Plus the limited edition bonus cards.