For those of you who didn't want to make alts and were wondering:
AB FORMULATIONAnd here's all the skills indepth
Click me!So at first glance, how effective do you think this will be in group combat and 1v1?
Do you think it will be very strong in AoE fights, or paired with a Jester?
Brings ye thoughts here!
Nvm. >.>
You carefully secure a protective cloth mask over your mouth and nose.
There's already a thread for this, but I'll say the same thing I said there - Formulation is friggin awesome, and I am really looking forward to swapping to Alchemist to play with it.
Also, has anyone uncovered a way to 'purge' an imbibed concoction before it runs it's course?
Petrifying is 10% physical resistance, 5% electric weakness, and slower movement (1 less move per second, before getting the "don't be so hasty" message). None of the enhancements do anything. No way to turn it off as far as I know, which makes me very hesitant to use it unless I'm desperate. It's not like alchemist needed any bashing upgrades though, so it's fine if it isn't generally useful for bashing.
Endorphin heals 9%/11%/12%/13%/14% (depending on potency) of max health every 40/20/13/10/8 seconds (depending on volatility), and lasts for 14 ticks. Stability doesn't do anything. So 2 potency and 5 volatility makes it 11% every 8 seconds, for comparison boar tattoo is 5% every 10 seconds, level 3 health regen (from a level 2 regen ring plus berkana) is 8% every 10 seconds. Endorphin is better than both combined, while it lasts.
EDIT: Also, am I missing something with regards to selfishness and the need to relax it before throwing anything? That seems like a big, unnecessary downside to using class skills.
I hadn't noticed that selfishness prevents throwing phials, that should definitely be fixed.
>.> <.<
ps, PvE tankiness I wasn't really paying attention to its bonuses. Definitely felt the difference of not having it when I was sparring Aaseth (runewarden) though.
I was just pointing out the petrifying others thing as a hypothetical, yes. Alchemists (probably) don't need more effects to keep someone in the room, but some effect to increase their ability to chase would be nice, especially now that you can't spam truewracking paralysis as well to try and hold someone down.
It would also be really cool to be able to use the homunculus in combination with these abilities in some way, perhaps as a delivery agent, using the hands ability to 'throw' phials. Perhaps this could be part of the way to step around selfishness, you hand your homunculus the phials and they activate them on their balance instead! More useful and offensive abilities that aren't truewrack/temper spam are a plus, imo. Totally jelly of artificing and their golem's interaction with their skills.
Enhancement counteracts it, but it sounds (at least from the ab file) like enhancement has drawbacks too.
So a purgative would actually add an option that isn't currently there - the ability to just turn off every modifier on you.
Letting homonculus throw vials is an awesome idea - just give the phials their adjacent-room effect when thrown by a homonculus (and maybe it dissolves the homonculus too?). Also probably limit the range to a few rooms to keep it in line with all the changes to ranged combat. So you can get a balance-less phial (possibly with a couple rooms more range), but only one, and it costs you your homonculus, and you get the lesser effect of the phial.
EDIT: Another cool idea would be concoctions that work on your homunculus. It feels more in line to be experimenting on your meatpuppet instead of chugging potions yourself, and it opens up avenues to homunculus that aren't totally set-it-and-forget-it
Devitalisation was also 5%/10% for me, not 6%/11%.
An artefact phial pouch (or phial belt or some other kind of container) that can store 50 or so phials and prevents them from decaying would also be useful, if it's not too expensive (maybe 200 credits at most; I think 100 would work since it would be comparable to dragonskin quivers before the recent change).