What the hell, server side curing?

Been noticing tree has not been used during a bunch of my recent fights with Dajio, which has been pissing me off to no end. Thought it might be a problem with Wundersys, then I find this gem:

Dajio snaps his fingers in front of you.
4642h 3650m 100%e 93%w |EE [5] {10} [ast Cl]
You have recovered balance on all limbs. -0.374s
[System]: Running queued eqbal command: CURSE1
You are not fallen or kneeling.
You point an imperious finger at Dajio.
Horror overcomes Dajio's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.Processed
4642h 3595m 100%e 93%w |EE [4] {10} [ast Cl] (-55m, 1.4%)
You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
4642h 3595m 100%e 93%w |EE [4] {10} [ast Cl]
clearqueue eqbal
setalias curse1 stand/swiftcurse Dajio haemophilia
queue add eqbal curse1
Dajio eats a magnesium
4642h 3595m 100%e 93%w |EE [4] {10} [ast Cl]
[System]: Added CURSE1 to your eqbal queue.
4642h 3595m 100%e 93%w |EE [4] {10} [ast Cl]
[System]: Queued eqbal commands cleared.
4642h 3595m 100%e 93%w |EE [4] {10} [ast Cl]
[System]: Added CURSE1 to your eqbal queue.
4642h 3595m 100%e 93%w |EE [4] {10} [ast Cl]

[AFF] IMPATIENCE | You shuffle your feet noisily, suddenly bored.
4642h 3595m 100%e 93%w |EE [4] {10} [ast IMP Cl]
You may eat another plant or mineral.
4642h 3595m 100%e 93%w |EE [4] {10} [ast IMP Cl]
Dajio pricks you twice in rapid succession with his dirk.
[AFF] ANOREXIA | The idea of eating or drinking is repulsive to you.
[AFF] SLICKNESS | You notice that your sweat glands have begun to rapidly secrete a foul, oily
curing queue remove touch tree
curing queue add touch tree
4642h 3595m 100%e 93%w |EE [4] {10} [Cl SLI ast ano IMP]
You have recovered balance on all limbs. -0.374s
[System]: Running queued eqbal command: CURSE1
You are not fallen or kneeling.
You point an imperious finger at Dajio.
Horror overcomes Dajio's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.Processed
4642h 3540m 100%e 93%w |EE [3] {10} [Cl SLI ast ano IMP] (-55m, 1.4%)
You have added the "touch tree" cure to the curing queue.
4642h 3540m 100%e 93%w |EE [3] {10} [Cl SLI ast ano IMP]
clearqueue eqbal
setalias curse1 stand/swiftcurse Dajio haemophilia
queue add eqbal curse1
[System]: Added CURSE1 to your eqbal queue.
4642h 3540m 100%e 93%w |EE [3] {10} [Cl SLI ast ano IMP]
You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
You have recovered balance on all limbs. -0.374s
[System]: Running queued eqbal command: CURSE1
You are not fallen or kneeling.
Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
You point an imperious finger at Dajio.
4642h 3440m 100%e 92%w |EE [2] {10} [Cl SLI ast ano IMP] (-100m, 2.6%)
Dajio eats a magnesium
4642h 3440m 100%e 92%w |EE [2] {10} [Cl SLI ast ano IMP]
clearqueue eqbal
setalias curse1 stand/swiftcurse Dajio paralyse
queue add eqbal curse1
[System]: Added CURSE1 to your eqbal queue.
4642h 3440m 100%e 93%w |EE [2] {10} [Cl SLI ast ano IMP]
[System]: Queued eqbal commands cleared.
4642h 3440m 100%e 93%w |EE [2] {10} [Cl SLI ast ano IMP]
[System]: Added CURSE1 to your eqbal queue.
4642h 3440m 100%e 93%w |EE [2] {10} [Cl SLI ast ano IMP]
Dajio pricks you twice in rapid succession with his dirk.
[AFF] WEARINESS | Your limbs grow heavy and you groan feebly.
curing queue remove touch tree
curing queue add touch tree
[AFF] PARALYSIS | A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.

Why did tree not go through here, given that I was not paralysed? I had not used tree previously in the fight.


  • edited December 2014
    Could be amnesia, could also be faded tree tattoo, could be a bug.  Probably a bug.

    you may also just be gagging something vital there.
  • I've run into the same problem and what I think causes it is leaving the arena with TOUCH TREE in your curing queue. I set up a trigger to send curing queue list & clearqueue all whenever I exit the arena and I haven't run into it since. Although I might just be lucky.
    Rise, and rise again, until lambs become lions.
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