Does anybody have one yet that they use for documentation of their own distributed systems?
If not, I'm building one to use with a few systems I'll be distributing over time. While I hope to charge a bit for the systems, I hope people can make use of my 'xhelp' system. So with that in mind, collaborators are welcome. Unless someone has already done this better than I have.
Took an embarrassing amount of time to get it doing what I want. The main issue is wrapping of course. Still have an issue there...
The border symbols and 3 colors are easily customizable. Red names are accessible help files, the white text under it is supposed to be a list of functions/features that could ideally be red when they have their own value in the table. The problem is that <colortags> are counted in a string's length and it keeps messing up the wrapping if I color it before wrapping instead of after.
So does anyone know of a decent help script or want to help with mine?
Make your own length function which strips out the colour tags before getting the length.
Colour the text after wrapping, if possible.
If the lines are static instead of being created dynamically, explicitly store the length of each line yourself.
I am not sure about the completeness of all combinations but it should show the general way I'd do it. Note that this relies on you using color names and cecho (and not hecho/decho etc)
GMCP documentation:
svof github site: and documentation at
I love you forever @Keneanung
EDIT: and @Sena