Knight Offense Alias

So I noticed someone asking for how to handle two venoms and a limb target in a thread(I forget which).  I wrote an alias a few months back for a friend so I figured I could share it with everyone else.  It is not the best way to go about writing one, but I wanted it to be a simple copy paste, so it was more non-coder friendly.  I have never been a knight, so I won't swear to this working, but it seems to do okay for her.  I also didn't bother looking up which venoms were actually envenomable, so have mercy.   Hope it helps someone out.  I commented out some examples at the top.

^d(\w{1})(\w{1})(?: (\w+)|)$
--dck h--Head Curare Kalmia --dee rl - Right Leg Delphinium Delphinium --dks - Kalmia Slike whichever leg is currently targetted
--d(shorthand venom)(shorthand venom) (Limb Target)
venom1 = nil venom2 = nil limbs = nil if venomtree and limbtree then venom1 = venomtree[matches[2]] venom2 = venomtree[matches[3]] if matches[4] then limbs = limbtree[matches[4]] send("dsl "" "..limbs.." "..venom1.." "..venom2) else send("dsl "" "..venom1.." "..venom2) end else venomtree = { a = "aconite", b = "epseth", c = "curare", d = "darkshade", e = "delphinium", g = "gecko", h = "digitalis", i = "euphorbia", k = "kalmia", m = "monkshood", p = "prefarar", r = "eurypteria", s = "slike", v = "voyria", w = "vernalis", x = "xentio", z = "epteth", } limbtree = { ll = "left leg", la = "left arm", rl = "right leg", ra = "right arm", h = "head", t = "torso",
} venom1 = venomtree[matches[2]] venom2 = venomtree[matches[3]] if matches[4] then limbs = limbtree[matches[4]] send("dsl "" "..limbs.." "..venom1.." "..venom2) else send("dsl "" "..venom1.." "..venom2) end end


  • Hurray! This is exactly how I do my dstab script as well. With other letters.

    Just a heads up in case some people copy-paste this, there's a typo at 'vernalius'
    ^ This is horribly wrong.
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