So I was in a house, had a viper. once I left didn't realize I'd lose my viper. Now I have a rattlesnake, thats fine but if I had cudtomized my biper woukd I have lost the custom job? Also could I make my snake a cobra, asp, or viper with customization when they are hoise snakes?
Once you customize it, you keep it for as long as you remain serpent.
Generally you can't customize it for free unless you're in a house though.
Kinda stupid that you have to pay 350cr to make a pet that already resets to you for free reset to you.
But that's how it go.
They respawn instantly in the arena.
(rest of this post removed cause I'm an idiot )
Medi says, "If kit says to show up somewhere, bring an apron."
Medi says, "Rule of thumb."
Looks like you're right about losing it if you join a new house though.
But yeah, I knew joining a new House would make it re-pop.
Announce post 4268: Serpent pet snakes that have been made permanently loyal and reset to their owner will now reset with 50% health when they are summoned after being killed.
I kind of assumed this meant you would keep the same one even if it dies.
Medi says, "If kit says to show up somewhere, bring an apron."
Medi says, "Rule of thumb."