I think it'd be a good idea if you could convert your collared legendary mount into a custom pet for 250 credits off the typical cost as it is already non-decay and resetting.
The issue I have currently is that I want a custom pet for some of the benefits, but I feel like there is a significant inefficency in credit use due to my current collared Bat. I would still have this bat and just have no use for it. I could maybe create some niche position for it, but ultimately nothing worth the 250 price tag on him, and with no other way to trade it in. It is simply credits and value lost upon the purchase of a new pet.
Related, can we -please- have an option to pay to have our mount 'level' raised to at the very least be equal to a custom pet? I'm sick of jousting on a 1600 pound destrier (legendsteed) and losing almost consistently to a 300 pound winged panther.
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
Probably something we'll get to at some point (though someone should definitely submit an 'idea' for it, as that's the system we use to keep track of such things).
Out of curiosity, what's the slow-up on the actual implementation? Couldn't you have wrote 2 lines in policy on HELP PETS stating that you can list the ####### of a collared mount you own in order to receive credit value for the production of a pet? No real mechanical change here, is there? Just a policy change. That's assuming you already approve of the idea(which your post seems to indicate that you do).
While we are on it, how about refunding credits to people who collared their falcons before the recent changes. Not sure if other class loyals have this issue either, can't think of anything at the moment but if applicable apply it to those as well.