I needed somewhere to post this, and since the subforum is empty it seemed like a good place to start. Much appreciation to Tirac for putting it all together, and surprise to me when not one but -three- Gods showed up!
Brilliant ceremony and read. Why the hell did Rakon get so many letters in one go?
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
I really liked Tirac's speech. I always enjoy watching his rituals/speeches immensely.
The letters also may or may not be (partly) my fault. <_< I only claim credit for 3 though, I don't know where the other 10+ came from!
Very surprised to see Sarapis and Shaitan there, it made it that much more awesome. Congratulations, Trey, long overdue but it was a really nice ceremony.
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I needed somewhere to post this, and since the subforum is empty it seemed like a good place to start. Much appreciation to Tirac for putting it all together, and surprise to me when not one but -three- Gods showed up!
I was absolutely amazed. Roleplay this year has just gone through the roof.
"Trust in me, Universe, I will deliver / the promise that no-one shall ever / set their mind to games or play / for Serious Order is the way. I will not rest until it is done; / rules will be made for everyone. / They will know Order and its graces - and just like me, all shall be Greyfaces." - The Heroes of Sapience, Act 5, Greyface.
@Rakon Next time there's a Maldaathi knighting ceremony, if I can't attend, I'm going to every city but Mhaldor (including Delos) and sending you a letter from each, just to raise eyebrows. Hehe.
The ceremony was perfect except for Rakon making Eleusians tear up from all the paper. Think of the trees, you animal. Most of it was probably made with Mhun skin anyways so instead think of the innocents, you animal.
----------------------------- @DontarionDrakor for twitter boredom.
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Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."
I was wondering what the hell all those letters were about.
Was an awesome ceremony to watch though.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
Delicious irony makes me giggle.
Epic ceremony though
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Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
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- To love another person is to see the face of G/d
- Let me get my hat and my knife
- It's your apple, take a bite
- Don't dream it ... be it
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@DontarionDrakor for twitter boredom.
- To love another person is to see the face of G/d
- Let me get my hat and my knife
- It's your apple, take a bite
- Don't dream it ... be it