I've spent a few days looking into Geyser and coming up with some ideas - but I can't seem to find a recent distribution of it. The one I found here is over 4 years old, and bugs out on me in a lot of places.
I did due diligence with some google searching, and some searching on both the current and old forums, but I couldn't find anything newer or official.
It'd be really helpful for me (and probably many others) if someone could link to or share a recent, working copy of geyser.
Thanks in advance!
The Geyser scripts in this repository are probably the newest you're going to find. Most recent commit was a year ago.
Unless my Mudlet is special, Geyser is built into it, so there's no need to download Geyser anymore.
Mudlet Discord join up
Hehe, how silly.
Since this thread has essentially served its purpose, would either of ya have any idea why setColor() would be bugging like this? I suspect that in my example, the MiniConsole isn't being initialized correctly, but I don't know why.
other error
Just dipping my toes into geyser, so this is probably a simple oversight, but I can't get my head around it. If I had to guess, it looks like the MiniConsole never gets fully initialized before Nemu's limb counter script tries calling newColor(). I've seen it work in the past though, so I'm pretty confused as to why it decided to start bugging now.
There is not enough information provided to see from where the problem stems.