Don't play with @Mishgul he will crash into everything you love while screaming incoherently in skype. Parallels can be drawn but don't need to be. Space is so hostile.
not yet, and explosions don't carry far in space because there is nothing to keep the reaction unstable. You can do a lot of damage to the inside of shops with a well placed thruster pointed towards a nuclear reactor
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
some of the NPC ships are actually rigged to explode. They have their thrusters built into their walls with mines next to them so when you try to change the speed or adjust the course, the thruster will heat up the mine and blow it up. I am an expert in disarming the mines now. Lots of practice. The worst ones are the military minelayer and the military transporter because the warheads are buried deep in the heavy armour. sections. If you are good you can disable the small thrusters that specifically hit the mines using the computers, or use your rescue ship and try to force the npc ship to stop by moving against it.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
some of the NPC ships are actually rigged to explode. They have their thrusters built into their walls with mines next to them so when you try to change the speed or adjust the course, the thruster will heat up the mine and blow it up. I am an expert in disarming the mines now. Lots of practice. The worst ones are the military minelayer and the military transporter because the warheads are buried deep in the heavy armour. sections. If you are good you can disable the small thrusters that specifically hit the mines using the computers, or use your rescue ship and try to force the npc ship to stop by moving against it.
None of this matters when you fly every ship you hijack into our base.
some of the NPC ships are actually rigged to explode. They have their thrusters built into their walls with mines next to them so when you try to change the speed or adjust the course, the thruster will heat up the mine and blow it up. I am an expert in disarming the mines now. Lots of practice. The worst ones are the military minelayer and the military transporter because the warheads are buried deep in the heavy armour. sections. If you are good you can disable the small thrusters that specifically hit the mines using the computers, or use your rescue ship and try to force the npc ship to stop by moving against it.
That... Actually make sense...
I had always just tried my best to preserve the ship's integrity when I steal them
No man you just cut the "trailer" off on the minelayer. Nothing good to salvage in there but armour and the mines. The forward section has all the good bits. The escort you can get to most of the mines by cutting through some interior walls/catwalks. They are both terrible prizes though. Both mining ships have large thrusters to cut up and multiple reactors and gyros and other good things. the business transport has a large reactor and the pirvate sail is the perfect ship to store salvage in then haul around to wherever.
Mining is for chumps, steal ships, cut them up and use the salvage to build shit waaaaaay faster.
That's pretty much how I've built the large majority of my station so far, including my mining ship. We'd spawned a bunch of those yellow ships and stripped them down.
Unfortunately the ships don't have any bulletproof glass, so that's where my mining ship is of use. Had to mine tons of silicon to make my fancy station windows.
Apparently can't edit in another screenshot for above.
So I did some outer armouring for the above, and thought I'd share a picture of it so far. Still very much WIP. (FYI, the Business Shipment from above is directly to my left in the below picture)
It isn't that huge, I'd say. It's not as big as Minecraft, which just keeps generating more and more the more you explore.
When you create your game, you set how many asteroids you want. I set mine to the max, which I think was 16? They're pretty big, and can be spread out a fair bit.
How big is the explorable space? The background in Jukilian's pic looks kind of 2D.. this game looks seriously great though
It can take quite a while to move across the map. The game measures its map size in large asteroids. The large asteroids are reachable, but I believe the smaller ones are background. Jukilian's screenshots look a little more flat in general. The game has much more depth than that. Probably a screenshot issue.
As far as I'm aware, there isn't any kind of dedicated server yet, although you can host a map on your machine and people can join in. I'll fuck around in creative mode or something with you if you want, though.
Crap. They finally put ammo in the cargo ships. I was unaware until it was too late Fare thee well, U.S.S. Essess. I shall avenge you from my warship, the U.S.S. Ugly.
So, I'm playing on a friends-only survival game with a housemate and a friend of his, and we're making basic small ships (which suck at taking on ANY NPC ship) and I decide to start making a big warship. While building I noticed a Business Shipment, and I hadn't scouted out their gun situation yet. So I dumped all my stuff into a cargo container and flew recklessly at the ship!
I died horribly.
But I saw an extra 3 unowned medical rooms I could respawn in...... and bam. I found a giant exploration ship known as the Volunder exploration ship. Why is it here, 30km away from my home base? And why is it even in my game? Who even made it?
So I flew it home and my goodness it's filled with tons of goodies. To use it, or to grind it down for its parts to make my own ship...
I never played Minecraft but this looks pretty fun! Ended up buying it. Will give it a go when I get home from work. I sent @Cahin a friend request on steam so I can join up in their game.
me and cahin have entirely opposite schedules for the past year so we havent hosted anything/played for a while though we keep promising too. The game is so much more difficult now that npcs can shoot you.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
More reason to build a decent fighter to take them on.
When my friend and I tried, we tried with a small fighter he'd made and for the heck of it (and cause it was made of heavy armour) I went in as backup with my grinding ship, cause it could grind off weapons if needed.
First thing the ship shot out was my reactor, so I was just left drifting away slowly. When it finally finished off my friend's fighter (into many pieces), it punctured a hole clean through the centre of my ship. I then clutched desperately to the outside of my ship since they'd blown up the cockpit, waiting for my friend to arrive with the parts to bring my ship back. His ship was kinda lost in the ordeal.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
The number of NPC ships I've blown up by hitting W to move even a metre..
I blew open the back half of one particular ship. As annoying as it is, the way they do blown up ship parts is pretty cool.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
I had always just tried my best to preserve the ship's integrity when I steal them
Mining is for chumps, steal ships, cut them up and use the salvage to build shit waaaaaay faster.
Unfortunately the ships don't have any bulletproof glass, so that's where my mining ship is of use. Had to mine tons of silicon to make my fancy station windows.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
I picked up this game for basically no cost.
Are you guys running a server?
As far as I'm aware, there isn't any kind of dedicated server yet, although you can host a map on your machine and people can join in. I'll fuck around in creative mode or something with you if you want, though.
That was pretty fun.
Mithridates and I did two hours in survival mode and we made a grand total of..nothing, while we destroyed virtually everything we came across.
Worst space engineers ever.
Crap. They finally put ammo in the cargo ships. I was unaware until it was too late
Fare thee well, U.S.S. Essess. I shall avenge you from my warship, the U.S.S. Ugly.
I am installing windows on my macbook pro just for this and the south park game.
So, I'm playing on a friends-only survival game with a housemate and a friend of his, and we're making basic small ships (which suck at taking on ANY NPC ship) and I decide to start making a big warship. While building I noticed a Business Shipment, and I hadn't scouted out their gun situation yet. So I dumped all my stuff into a cargo container and flew recklessly at the ship!
I died horribly.
But I saw an extra 3 unowned medical rooms I could respawn in...... and bam. I found a giant exploration ship known as the Volunder exploration ship. Why is it here, 30km away from my home base? And why is it even in my game? Who even made it?
So I flew it home and my goodness it's filled with tons of goodies. To use it, or to grind it down for its parts to make my own ship...
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
When my friend and I tried, we tried with a small fighter he'd made and for the heck of it (and cause it was made of heavy armour) I went in as backup with my grinding ship, cause it could grind off weapons if needed.
First thing the ship shot out was my reactor, so I was just left drifting away slowly. When it finally finished off my friend's fighter (into many pieces), it punctured a hole clean through the centre of my ship. I then clutched desperately to the outside of my ship since they'd blown up the cockpit, waiting for my friend to arrive with the parts to bring my ship back. His ship was kinda lost in the ordeal.