Why write a new song when an existing song is already "The Best Song Ever"?
Hiroma tells you, "I just got to listen to someone complain about your deadly axekick being the bane of their existence." Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk." Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
Ugh I want to like more than once. Going to listen to that album now!
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
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Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
we know at the end of the day it's all about grrl power in Mhaldor and this the sort of theme song.
Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk."
Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
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Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."
"Slowly disappear. Never really here."
explain how i'd make this into an image thingy like yall?
awesome points to you eld