Video of a trick I taught Penny. Also how she sleeps a lot and she loves carrying around her fleece blankey like a human toddler
The rescue managed to get her from a shelter that was about to put the poor thing down. I haven't yet picked a name for her, but from the moment we got home, she was rubbing against me, wanting attention, jumping in my arms while purring all the while.
So very excited to have her and love her.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Some of you may remember when I got my kitten, Lucy... Well she's all grownup now. She turned two last month AWWWWWW.
Anyway, I'll post a few pics, so you can witness her glory, through my camera lens. :'3
Just five weeks old there! ^ This was the day I brought her home.
Warm and lazy summer afternoons with her big brother Reggie... She's maybe 6 months old or so-ish-er here ^
She looks like she's pregnant there!! She's not though. Just a bad angle. If she knew I was posting this she'd probably choke the life out of me and use my death as a lesson to any other people with smart ideas about posting pics. -gulp- Good thing she's a fxxking cat and has no HANDS what a relief
This was taken just a month or two ago. My girl. She's been through some shit with me, lemme tell you guys. So yeah. Lucy. She's my pal.
Occasionally I open this thread expecting to read about badass custom pets because I forget this thread is about real pets. It's an odd disappointment.
Merry Christmas to all Achaeans! Quincy the pug is ready for the holiday.
She had a different plan in mind.
Newest puppy overlord and yes she is eating my hand in the second picture. Need a name for her.
Aldon! My big white american shepherd.
And Lil Sheba! My German Shepherd!
The rescue managed to get her from a shelter that was about to put the poor thing down. I haven't yet picked a name for her, but from the moment we got home, she was rubbing against me, wanting attention, jumping in my arms while purring all the while.
So very excited to have her and love her.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
I have trained my cat to eat all Aegoth's on sight
Anyway, I'll post a few pics, so you can witness her glory, through my camera lens. :'3
Just five weeks old there! ^ This was the day I brought her home.
Warm and lazy summer afternoons with her big brother Reggie... She's maybe 6 months old or so-ish-er here ^
She looks like she's pregnant there!! She's not though. Just a bad angle. If she knew I was posting this she'd probably choke the life out of me and use my death as a lesson to any other people with smart ideas about posting pics. -gulp- Good thing she's a fxxking cat and has no HANDS what a relief
This was taken just a month or two ago.
Salty is the black one and Pepper is the white one. Male and female, respectively.
This bathing beauty
One of the sister yellow-bellied watersnakes
Added African Dwarf Frogs to my aquarium today... See them blindly tackle and wrestle each other for food:
I am obsessed with them. They are so dumb, and remind me of various creatures and pests from Harry Potter.
Yes, I am still around.