There should be some sort of website like eHarmony for Achaean players seeking roleplay. How do/did you find it, that lovely group of people/that place to roleplay in/with? And what advice might you give newcomers who'd like to find it for themselves? 'Cause personally, I'm just itching for a balance between roleplaying and gaming.
I mean, Achaea is obviously the perfect place for roleplaying. The descriptions are absolutely [i]gorgeous[/i]––it set the stage for my own writing style in my early days of playing. The culture is intricate; the memberbase is plentiful; and it's so effing complex, it's a whole 'nother world in itself. Is there a thread – or would anyone be [i]interested[/i] in a thread? – where players can inquire about finding someone to play [insert role here] to their character? I.e. the rival to their martyr?
"Individually we are weak, like a single twig. But as a bundle, we form a mighty faggot."
If you have a house or a city, figure out where they meet and just go there and talk to people in your org sitting around (e.g. Occultists in Fire and Spice, Ashtan at Battlememts, I think Targossas at their Farrier's yard?)
I'm general, what I've found is that people won't poke you unless you make a name for yourself somehow, and one way to do that is to poke people and just interact with them first, word will get around.
Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2
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I like doing simple things to 'add' to general conversations and occasions! It could be smiling a little differently, or showing off your quirkiness by how you're shy and retiring, or whatever. Meeting new people (like in the thing we call real life) opens up lots of possibilities (although of course not everyone is going to be your friend). It could be a spontaneous thing ('let's go have some food' or 'your cat's pretty, let's talk about that') or a planned event ('let's go to this lecture/party/gathering'). Some people will no doubt be more willing than others to interact with you, so if it doesn't work out the first few (or many) times, don't give up hope!
Edit:Cant collect my thoughts...bleh
First thing I did as Aepas was make a set of rules and guidelines for him. Now mind you, much of what Aepas did at a young age quickly died out, as a lot of it didn't really fit into cannon RP or was just completely wrong (for instance, I thought when a druid morphed they actually took on the form of the animal. They do not.) But making mistakes is fine just as well.
Never be scared to do something, but RP comes in many forms. Simple RP could be something as simple as hating a type of food. Aepas is mostly vegetarian due to his time as a druid, and hates giraffes. Why? I don't even know, but it has made some funny interesting pieces at times.
Know your place, and know who your character is. If you stick to your own personal RP at all times, even when nobody is looking, RP will blossom.
"Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to? You will never find that [everlasting] life for which you are looking. When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things; day and night, night and day, dance and be merry, feast and rejoice. Let your clothes be fresh, bathe yourself in water, cherish the little child that holds your hand, and make your wife happy in your embrace; for this too is the lot of man."
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
@Lyosha Sorry you got kind of excluded in Occultists, but I'm glad you found something better in the bards. If I wasn't so married to Tarot, I'd so do that, too, because bard honestly looks pretty fun. Say hi sometime if you come across Kei loitering around Cyrene, she'll take some time to stop and chat almost any time
(Random prodding is more fun cross faction, when the other side plays along.)