Figured it'd be nice to share a few simple things I think would be useful for people not big into lua/mudlet.
First one is an easy dragon talisman color format, just because it was annoying to have so much gray chaos going on when I checked talismans.
Second one is a simple little affliction coloring thing I put together, which over time lets you stop reading them entirely (as you learn to just react to the colors). Nothing special, but might be useful to someone. (uses the hecho(str) function)
I also have a great (non-GMCP) wielding script I can share if requested via message or in game.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Anywho, I don't really put that much emphasis on efficiency in non-recursive functions, because on a modern machine that can change a million pixels a hundred times a second, whether or not you use a table or ifs is 100% ignorable.
Still, you're at least right in that speed only actually matters in places that are run frequently enough, or on large enough volumes of data, that it will actually start to cause a slowdown. This could be one of those places, depending on how often he actually calls that echo function, but chances are it's not. If he happens to call it on every single prompt as part of an update loop for a status window, for example, it's probably going to contribute to system slowness. Best practices let you avoid having to hunt things like that down later when you do start to notice a general sluggishness to your system as you build it up.
This makes one of those nifty little notification boxes that appears up top, then fades away after a few seconds. Very nice for notifications if you don't have mudlet on top. I use it for gank alerts when I'm bashing, and I have sounds toggled off.
Vadi posted the original on the Mudlet forums ages ago but
function notifySend (sub,...)
os.execute([[notify-send ]]..sub..[[ "]] .. ... .. [["]])
endArchdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk."
Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk."
Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
I went back to Mudlet!
I found out I had to download and install terminal-notifier first. I did so following these instructions:
I can now create notifiers from the terminal, but still does not work from within Mudlet.
I also checked that Mudlet has been allowed to control system, from within System Preferences.
What can I be missing, @Shecks ?
I am gonna make the triggers myself, and can turn them off if it turns out a bad idea. How can others create triggers for me?