I've been trying and enjoying making myself a GUI in mudlet using Vyzor. And all was going okaish, until I got to the gauges and... I've been trying to find a solution myself for, lets leave it at just "long".
I have no leads, so would be great if someone could help me out here.
NioSys["HpFront"] = Vyzor.Frame( "HpFront" )
NioSys.HpFront:Add( NioSys.BrightRedBG )
NioSys["HpBack"] = Vyzor.Frame( "HpBack" )
NioSys.HpBack:Add( Niosys.DarkRedBG )
NioSys["HpOver"] = Vyzor.Frame( "HpOver" )
NioSys.HpOver:Add( NioSys.WhiteBG )
NioSys["HpGauge"] = Vyzor.Gauge( "HpGauge", "gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp", "gmcp.Char.Vitals.maxhp", NioSys.HpBack, NioSys.HpFront, LeftRight, NioSys.HpOver )
NioSys.HpFrame:Add( NioSys.HpGauge )
This is the code for my Hp gauge. The BG variables contain the colored backgrounds. the HpFrame is the frame (5th frame deep into the bottom border) that I'm using to position the HP gauge exactly where I want it to be.
It doesnt draw itself, and it canceles the drawing of the other frames I am using for the layout :C
Two wrong things I can see are your
not beingVyzor.GaugeFill.LeftRight
and the overflow argument (the last argument) is supposed to be an indexed table of frames, not a single frame.GMCP documentation: https://github.com/keneanung/GMCPAdditions
svof github site: https://github.com/svof/svof and documentation at https://svof.github.io/svof
No errors :C
I changed it to this to experiment, but - same result.
NioSys["HpFront"] = Vyzor.Frame( "HpFront" )
NioSys.HpFront:Add( NioSys.BrightRedBG )
NioSys["HpBack"] = Vyzor.Frame( "HpBack" )
NioSys.HpBack:Add( Niosys.DarkRedBG )
NioSys["HpGauge"] = Vyzor.Gauge( "HpGauge", "gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp", "gmcp.Char.Vitals.maxhp", NioSys.HpBack, NioSys.HpFront )
NioSys.HpFrame:Add( NioSys.HpGauge ) [/text]
Whole code of it if necessary:
function Layout()
--setting draw order and creating invisible frames
Vyzor.Options.DrawOrder = {"bottom", "top", "left", "right"}
Vyzor.Options.HandleBorders = true
Vyzor.Options.Borders = {Top = 0, Bottom = 0.1, Left = "dynamic", Right = "dynamic"}
--creating the RIGHT frame
NioSys["RightFrame"] = Vyzor.Frame("RightFrame")
NioSys.RightFrame:Add( Vyzor.Border( nil, nil, Vyzor.Image( NioSys.Images.."BasicBG.png" )))
Vyzor.Right:Add( NioSys.RightFrame )
--creating the LEFT frame
NioSys["LeftFrame"] = Vyzor.Frame("LeftFrame")
NioSys.LeftFrame:Add( Vyzor.Border( nil, nil, Vyzor.Image( NioSys.Images.."BasicBG.png" )))
Vyzor.Left:Add( NioSys.LeftFrame )
--creating the BOTTOM frame
NioSys["BottomFrame"] = Vyzor.Frame("BottomFrame")
NioSys.BottomFrame:Add( Vyzor.Border( nil, nil, Vyzor.Image( NioSys.Images.."BasicBG.png" )))
Vyzor.Bottom:Add( NioSys.BottomFrame )
--creating the MAP frame & drawing MAP
NioSys["MapArea"] = Vyzor.Frame( "MapArea", 0, 0.5, 1, 0.5 )
NioSys["NMap"] = Vyzor.Map( 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0 )
NioSys.MapArea:Add( NioSys.NMap )
NioSys.RightFrame:Add( NioSys.MapArea )
--creating the BottomDetail Cage
NioSys["BottomDetail"] = Vyzor.Frame( "BottomDetail", 0.25, 0, 0.5, 1 )
NioSys.BottomDetail:Add( NioSys.GreyBG )
NioSys.BottomFrame:Add( NioSys.BottomDetail )
--creating the BottomArea
NioSys["BottomArea"] = Vyzor.Frame( "BottomArea", 0.07, 0, 0.86, 1 )
NioSys.BottomArea:Add( NioSys.GreyBG )
NioSys.BottomDetail:Add( NioSys.BottomArea )
--creating the EXPERIENCE gauge frame
NioSys["ExpFrame"] = Vyzor.Frame( "ExpFrame", 0, 0, 1, 0.1 )
NioSys.ExpFrame:Add( NioSys.PurpleBG )
NioSys.BottomArea:Add( NioSys.ExpFrame )
--creating the MAIN GAUGES frame
NioSys["MainGauges"] = Vyzor.Frame( "MainGauges", 0, 0.1, 0.75, 0.6 )
NioSys.MainGauges:Add( NioSys.CyanBG )
NioSys.BottomArea:Add( NioSys.MainGauges )
--creating the SECONDARY GAUGES frame
NioSys["SecondaryGauges"] = Vyzor.Frame( "SecondaryGauges", 0.75, 0.1, 0.25, 0.6 )
NioSys.SecondaryGauges:Add( NioSys.PinkBG )
NioSys.BottomArea:Add( NioSys.SecondaryGauges )
--creating the INFO AREA frame
NioSys["InfoArea"] = Vyzor.Frame( "InfoArea", 0, 0.7, 1, 0.3 )
NioSys.InfoArea:Add( NioSys.YellowBG )
NioSys.BottomArea:Add( NioSys.InfoArea )
--creating MAIN STATS frames
NioSys["HpFrame"] = Vyzor.Frame( "HpFrame", 0, 0, 0.5, 0.6 )
NioSys.HpFrame:Add( NioSys.RedBG )
NioSys.MainGauges:Add( NioSys.HpFrame )
NioSys["MpFrame"] = Vyzor.Frame( "MpFrame", 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.6 )
NioSys.MpFrame:Add( NioSys.BlueBG )
NioSys.MainGauges:Add( NioSys.MpFrame )
NioSys["EndFrame"] = Vyzor.Frame( "EndFrame", 0, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4 )
NioSys.EndFrame:Add( NioSys.GoldBG )
NioSys.MainGauges:Add( NioSys.EndFrame )
NioSys["WillFrame"] = Vyzor.Frame( "WillFrame", 0.5, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4 )
NioSys.WillFrame:Add( NioSys.VioletBG )
NioSys.MainGauges:Add( NioSys.WillFrame )
--Drawing Gauges
NioSys["HpFront"] = Vyzor.Frame( "HpFront" )
NioSys.HpFront:Add( NioSys.BrightRedBG )
NioSys["HpBack"] = Vyzor.Frame( "HpBack" )
NioSys.HpBack:Add( Niosys.DarkRedBG )
--NioSys["HpOver"] = Vyzor.Frame( "HpOver" )
--NioSys.HpOver:Add( NioSys.WhiteBG )
NioSys["HpGauge"] = Vyzor.Gauge( "HpGauge", "gmcp.Char.Vitals.hp", "gmcp.Char.Vitals.maxhp", NioSys.HpBack, NioSys.HpFront )
NioSys.HpFrame:Add( NioSys.HpGauge )
And here are the colors pulled from a different script of mine:
--Gauges Colors
NioSys["BrightRed"] = Vyzor.Color( Vyzor.ColorMode.Name, "OrangeRed" )
NioSys["DarkRed"] = Vyzor.Color( Vyzor.ColorMode.Name, "a_darkred" )
NioSys["BrightRedBG"] = Vyzor.Background( Vyzor.Brush( NioSys.BrightRed ))
NioSys["DarkRedBG"] = Vyzor.Background( Vyzor.Brush( NioSys.DarkRed ))
notice the capital S in NioSys. This should've thrown an error (unless you also have a Niosys table)
This worked for me: http://hastebin.com/puvovasaji.avrasm
I had to create your global NioSys table, set NioSys.Images to getMudletHomeDir() (I don't have the images you have so they don't show up), add a few colors you left out and call Layout() at the end but it worked on a fresh profile with Vyzor installed. Here's a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/ctAkCrX.png